Feel the 70!

Date: June 14, 2019

Weather: A rather humid upper 70’s/low 80’s.

QIC: Thor

Welcome to YHC’s VQ Backbalst. As YHC anxiously awaited what would transpire on this VQ he had been thinking about for a while, the cars started showing up. The PAX kept showing up even a few (Pincher, Messi, Posh, Olympus) that don’t normally post at NBP. When all was said and done, a strong 25 showed up, and YHC must admit, he got a little more nervous.

Well 5:15 arrived and YHC had no choice but to start. So the five core principles and the disclaimer were recited, and off we went for a slight deviation of a mosey from the normal NBP mosey route. YHC had to make sure that he had enough time to get in 14 seconds of butt kickers, 14 seconds of high knees, 14 seconds of Carioca to the right, 14 seconds of Carioca to the left, and 14 seconds of toy soldiers before making it back for the COP.

At this point, Deep Dish arrived, did his obligatory burpees and the COP began.


The COP consisted of some usual exercises plus a new one thanks to the F3 Nation website.

  • SSH IC (12)
  • Imperial Walkers IC (15)
  • Strawberry Pickers IC (20)
  • Monkey Humpers IC (12)
  • Crab Cakes IC (11)

The PAX were then instructed to grab their waters and head down to the base of the tower for The Thang.

The Thang

YHC informed the PAX that the previous day he had surpassed 70 lbs lost and that he could not have done with without the support of the PAX, but he especially could not have done it without the guidance of Sky Q.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3: 5-6

At this point YHC informed the PAX that this workout was based on his magic number of 70 and that the workout was split into rounds, each round would incorporate and exercise (or a few) and the number 70 as well as something for those early finishers to do while they waited on the 6. There was lots of immediate mumble chatter about not being so happy for YHC anymore and other PAX wondering if they only had to do 10 since they lost 10 lbs, to no avail.

Since YHC is a football coach at the school he teaches at, he had football wristbands prepared with the workout and gave Defib one just in case those that usually mosey at a quicker pace didn’t want to be held pack.

The workout:

Round 1 : 70 Second Mosey

Round 2: 70 American Hammers (Waitin on the 6; Ballerinas (Salsa Dips on your toes)) –> At this point the mumble chatter started about looking forward to coffeeteria at Panera after the beatdown. PAX members started discussing the plethora of bagel options that they might enjoy. Papa Smurf was perhaps the most vocal, although it is unclear as to whether he was referring to the same bagels as the rest of the Pax.

Round 3: 70 Second Mosey

Round 4: 70 LBC’s (Waitin on the 6; Plank)

Round 5: Ascend/Descend 70 Stairs (Waitin on the 6; Calf Raises)

Round 6: 70 Bobby Hurleys (Waitin on the 6; Moroccan Night Clubs)

Round 7: 70 Second Mosey

Round 8: 35 Merkins/35 Box Cutters (Waitin on the 6; Al Gore)

Round 9: 70 Second Mosey

Round 10: 70 Plank Jacks (Waitin on the 6;  Mountain Climbers)

Round 11: 70 Second Mosey – Diversion in course to loop back to the tower

Round 12: Ascend/Descend 70 Stairs (Waitin on the 6; Johnny Drama (Negative Calf Raises off a stair))

Round 13: 70 second Mosey

Round 14: 4 Captain Thors (1 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 12 + 4 + 16=50)/20 Shoulder Dips


Bonus: Two more 70 second Moseys!

Everything YHC did on this beatdown involved the number 70. Go back and look at the numbers in the warm-up and COP!

Circle of Trust

YHC brought the group together and reminded them about the reason he chose to Q today. To thank Sky Q for his support during his weightless and to remind that PAX that Sky Q has their 6 even if they are not the most devout christians, as YHC himself does not regularly attend services. Without Sky Q, YHC wouldn’t have been able to say no to the food truck that was brought to his school full of fried food or the numerous trips to Nokomis Grove for his 2.0’s and M to have ice cream after the beach.

“What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all!” Romans 3: 3-4


  • Twin Lakes Tuesday AO will be moving to NBP starting 7/2
  • Monthly 2nd F will be moving away from Wednesday night (probably to Thursday) so that it no longer conflicts with Unconditional Surrender. Watch mumble chatter/GroupMe for updates.
  • F3 Beach Bums – Saturday 6/15. An event for the whole Family at Nokomis North Jetty Beach. Arrive around 10, bring food, games, tents. Enjoy some fellowship with the PAX and their Ms and 2.0’s.
  • Ripken is offering to clown car to St. Pete tomorrow.


  • YHC, Big Mac, and Pincher on their collective weight loss of more than a Messi.


  • YHC’s M has a minor procedure on her back on Monday
  • Props recovering from his surgery followed by car issues
  • Gilligan from F3 Greensboro, the Q for F3 Nation expansion, his M and his 2.0’s as he went in for a heart valve repair and had some major complications and is in the ICU.

Thanks to all the PAX that showed up to support YHC’s VQ. I had a lot of fun letting you all feel the 70!

Before                                                                     After


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