Dang we look good in the dark

Weather: Humid and Mostly Cloudy Temperature: 75° (24C)

QIC: Bing

Pax: Sniper, Cotton Tail, Bing, Pincher, Doggy Paddle, Brutus, Trump, Ripken

It was like Christmas morning for many of the Pax today.  Our long waited F3 Nation Cycling kits were delivered by Santa, or the USPS drivers, yesterday.  Many selfies were shared on the GroupMe channel, but I’ll spare you from seeing those.  With so much excitement, many of the pax arrived at 5:30 for an early start, circling back at 6a to pick up the rest of the pax.  It was great to have Doggy Paddle with us, a Pax from F3 Aiken/Augusta, GA.  It was also a great opportunity to learn the ins and outs of a cycling AO as they are preparing to launch one in their region.  Hopefully group selfies will be improved by then!

The pax headed out in their fancy new outfits, with varying speeds, but all pushing their limits as we always do.  A lot of good conversation and mumble chatter was had.  As the pax spread out, the leaders doubled back to pick up the six and bring the pax back together again.  Sniper had to leave at 6 so he headed out, but was sure to get his inaugural sweat done in his father’s day present to himself.  The remainder of the pax did between 18 and 30 miles on the day.  A great time was had by all!

Always an honor, and just wish there was more time and more days in the week to ride.

~Bing out
