Fox and Friends 6/28/2019 NBP

We took the Tower Again Trump in all his Glory and In Presidential Fashion handed down a Hhuuuuuuuugggeee beatdown


Core Principles of F3’s Fitness, Fellowship and Faith

F3 workouts have to:

Be free of charge
Be open to all men
Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
Be led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
End with a Circle of Trust
* * *
and the pax were off for a round of mosey including butt kickers, high knees and ended at the middle of the parking lot where we

SSH x20 IC
Windmills x15 IC. ( keep it Intersanteee)
Strawberry Pickers x20IC
Merkins x10 single count

6 exercises x 45 each for a total of 270 total.

Shoulder Taps x45 1c
Big Boy Sit UPS x45 1c
American Hammer x45 2c
Sumo Squats x45 1c
Mountain Climbers x45 1c
LBC x45 1c

build that Wall, after completing each set of 270 excersises , we had to climb that wall and do

x14 Merkins / up the tower 14 Moroccan night clubs at the top the tower

14 dips bottom 14 Carolina dry docs top

45 Freddie Mercury’s 45 Salsa Dips

14 30/60/90 there was a few tears shed  14 burpees

An abortion bear crawl

Our Barron is 14 the real Barron is 13

Prayers for Backdraft lawyer and ex-Wife

military and 1st responders, injured Pax