Fellowship at high speeds

Weather: Delightful

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Pincher, Trump, Dogo, Brutus, Sniper, Ripken, Cotton Tail

The Pax assembled in the parking lot of Wawa and awaiting the return of Sniper and Ripken who set off early for an additional lap down to Fruitville and back.  Possibly a safety recon mission as they came back reporting skunk and dead dear along the way.  There was a moment of silence held to honor the fact that Brutus has removed the newspaper and briefcase holder from his bike.

The pax set off and it was clear they meant business today.  Trump and Brutus hammered their way along on their hybrid and mountain bikes as the rest of the pax filled into tight formation for a solid 22-24 MPH jaunt down to Fruitville.  Once there, a few laps to pick up the 6, and then right back in formation to University and Concession. Max speeds of 28-30 mph were spotted on this ride, and all got back to Wawa safely for COT.

A great ride and YHC is already looking forward to next Tuesday!! Thanks for the solid push today!

As always, honored and humbled to be a part of this amazing group of HIM.

Announcments:  The Unspoken usual ones – Fellowship night is Thursday

Prayers/Praises: for safety and an amazing Pax.

~Bing Out