Nolan Soccer Beatdown

Last week’s Nolan beatdown was cancelled due to to lightning.

This week, 16 Pacs turned up on the hottest day of the year so far.

It was my (Posh’s) VQ. We did a soccer-themed beatdown with a focus on leg exercises. It could be worse: the alternative was a Spice Girls theme.

PS: I was surprised how many Pacs were ready and willing to sing parts of Spice Girls’ songs.

Each exercise started at the pavilion. We then ran out to one of the soccer goals for the exercises:

  • 45 Burpees
  • 45 Mountain climbers
  • 45 Bobby Hurley’s
  • 45 Plank jacks
  • 45 Squats
  • 45 Hope Solos … just like a Bobby Hurley, but jumping to catch a soccer ball
  • 45 Monkey humpers
  • 45 Lunges