QSource | Q2.2 Influence

QSource | Q2.2 Influence

Weather | 86° F | Humidity 70% | Wind: 9mph SW

This week’s assignment was: Q2.2: Influence. This was the last week we covered QSource before the beatdown. We are currently transitioning into our next book study, Fathering Like the Father.  The new study will be at the same time and place, Adventure Park Saturdays at 6:15am.

Q2.2 | Influence


Igniting A Palpable Desire For Movement


1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV) Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.


  • Can you force a man to help himself?
  • How can one man help another man change his life?
  • What does Influence look like?


Movement must be voluntarily

  • Movement must be voluntary for it to result in a true Advantage.
  • The HIM employs persuasion rather than compulsion to initiate Movement.
  • It is the use of Influence to convince a man to want to Move rather than the exertion of power to make him move because he has no other choice.

Movement is a release of energy

  • Potential energy resides in something held motionless by restraint, like water impounded behind a dam.
  • Until his potential energy is released a man stuck behind a dam is inert, suspended in a state of non-Movement.
  • Through Influence, the HIM helps people release their deepest desires for action. He unblocks the dam to let the river flow.

The HIM Influences through word and deed

  • The HIM ignites a palpable desire for Movement in other people by the things he says (and the way he says them) and the things he does (and the way he does them).
  • Through the combination of word and deed, the HIM Persuades people to abandon their inert life and begin Movement away from the Status Quo.
  • By convincing them that they can do that something that they already want to do, he leads them to then convince themselves that they must do it—or at least try.


  • Movement must be voluntarily
  • Movement is a release of energy
  • The HIM Influences through word and deed

Homework for 6/15

Thoughts for the week:

  • Should a man keep trying new things in order to be Happy?
  • How does a man know where his IMPACT will be greatest?
  • What happens if a man does not stay Missional?