Cycling Morning

Weather: Low 70s QIC: Bing Pax: Sniper, Bing, Pincher, Cotton Tail, Dogo, Drake, Brutus 7 for a solid ride that included a usual trip down Lorraine to Fruitville, back up University and returning home.  COT as customary was held primary to the ride.  Praise for Madison for her returning health and prayers for the first …

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Good Things Happen in Detroit, Sometimes

Date: 10/14/2019 Weather: 72 degrees, clear, full moon QIC: Manziel Pax: Bullseye, Crabcakes, Goob, Lambeau, Manziel, Pincher, Ripken, Shamwow, Trump, Wilson So I know you’re thinking, WTF is that title? Read on. At 5.15, the mission and core principles of F3 were shared, followed by the disclaimer. Because the disclaimer is normally so depressing, YHC …

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Stack Attack

AO: Adventure Park Weather Low 70’s, clear skies, lower humidity (yes!) PIA Pincher, LG, Scrum, Manziel, Goliath, Skimmer, ShamWow, Trump, Baron, 6Pack, Drake, Big Mac, Nitro, Yamaha Five core principles were announced and the disclaimer warning was issued to all in attendance. Mosey from the pavilion down the hill towards the dog bridge including high …

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Sidewalk Talk

Weather-  who can keep up these days Pax-  Goob, Drake, Ripken, Lancelot, Bubbles, Bing, ShamWow, Mugsy, Trump, Olympus, Posh, Manziel, Brutus, ChiliPepper, Pincher, and BigMac QIC- Goob As the Q mingled with the Pax this fine gloom, there was both confusion as to who was Q’ing and some trepidation as to what the said Q …

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Early October Beatdown

Conditions 75 degrees and humid (rain or shine) this case Shine! Mozi  We jogged the gravel path around the pavilion to the Basketball court. The jog included Nur, kerioke, high knees and butt kickers. Warmups  SSH, arm circles, Micheal Phelps, Strawberry pickers,Imperial Walkers and Bad Back Stretches Sledge Hammer Thanks everyone who carried the sledge …

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Ragnar training season has started……

Weather: 72 degrees and 96% humidity……another great morning to push the pace and breathe with relative ease QIC: CrabCakes PAX: Bing, Yamaha, Pincher ShamWow, Trump, Chilipepper Arriving at 0505 YHC noticed that the Bing driven clown car had 3 additional PAX which came as a pleasant surprise.  After arriving, YHC spent 3 minutes digging in …

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A Challenge

Weather:  70’s – sorta getting tired of the same temps, but less humidity is welcome. QIC: Bing Pax: Trump, Bing, Wilson, Mr. Clean, Deep Dish, Big Mac, Olympus, Hightower, Sniper, Gator, Flip, Mugsy, Ripken, Drake, Chili Pepper, Goose, Wolverine, Lancelot, ShamWow, Pincher, Brutus, Thor Ripken and YHC returned from a 5 mile pre-run including a …

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A Plan is only a Plan if you stick to it……….

Weather: 71 degrees and 86% humidity……the running weather continues to improve QIC: CrabCakes PAX: Bing, Yamaha, Pincher ShamWow, Lambeau, Review of the 5 core principles at 0515 and then the PAX headed off towards the Bridge and into Waterleaf 0516. The Plan was for ShamWow to complete a bridge repeat, Lambeau to head as far …

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