A Challenge

Weather:  70’s – sorta getting tired of the same temps, but less humidity is welcome.

QIC: Bing

Pax: Trump, Bing, Wilson, Mr. Clean, Deep Dish, Big Mac, Olympus, Hightower, Sniper, Gator, Flip, Mugsy, Ripken, Drake, Chili Pepper, Goose, Wolverine, Lancelot, ShamWow, Pincher, Brutus, Thor

Ripken and YHC returned from a 5 mile pre-run including a Greenbrook loop plus going postal – all at a more pedestrian pace with great fellowship conversation. With 2 FNGs present, the disclaimer and core principles were shared in detail, and off we went on a mosey including Toy Soldiers, butt kickers, high knees and carioca.

COP ensued with the following:

  • SSH x20IC
  • Merkins x10 on down
  • Plank series
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC (lots of complaints about shoulders at this point)
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Flutter Kicks x10 IC
  • Leg and back stretches

The Thang

Four corners were set up, as borrowed from F3 The Fort – called something like phenomenally awful. The challenge was to complete as many laps as possible.  Each lap was roughly .25 miles.  The four corners were as listed:

  1. 5x BombJacks
  2. 5x burpees with 3x Merkins
  3. Bear Crawl to school door with 20 LBCs
  4. 5 Lunges and 10 Carolina Dry Docks

Exercises were intentionally shorter on the quantity with the attempt to let the HR settle a tad, but then increase on the run to the next station.  Mumble Chatter started to wane as the time went on and the breathing got harder. Many pax completed 4-6 laps which caused for 30 Bomb Jacks, 30 Burpees, 120 LBCs, 30 Lunges and 60 CDDs.  No shortage of pain!

With a few minutes remaining, it was time for some ab lab which included:

  1. Freddie Mercury – Sniper
  2. LBCs – Gator (awesome cadence counting by a 10 year old HIM)
  3. Flutter Kicks  – Flip (more awesome cadence counting by another 10 year old)
  4. Legs 90-degrees and left/right – Ripken


The pax were informed about the experience of attending the funeral for a veteran who had no family.  Over 4,000 attended while only 2 people spoke at the funeral who knew Mr. Edwin Pearson.  First was his neighbor who had very little to share about his other than he was a nice guy, and the other was the hospice nurse who met him 1 week prior to his death.  The challenge to the pax was to seek out and find that next person, veteran, anyone who is alone in life.  Let’s not let this happen again.  Reach out to someone, ask them about their day, make them comfortable talking to you, and you never know where God will lead that relationship.

Welcome to our 2 new FNGs.  Mugsy, a professional basketball player, and clearly NOT the smallest player, but enjoyed the humor of the nickname Mugsy from Mugsy Bogues.  Hightower, an air traffic controller and runner was not entirely an FNG with having run with the pax on a few Sunday Run Day but we intentionally leave the naming to a bootcamp workout.


  • December 17th for Ronald McDonald House
  • Ragnar – only a spot or two left if you are interested.  Payment confirms your spot
  • Care 2 Tri run
  • Bingo night on October 17 for Bring on the Ministry


  • Bing’s Brother/ShamWow Son who had emergency surgery while on family vacation.  Prayers for recovery and safe travel home.
  • First Responders
  • Soul of Edwin Pearson

It was a great morning all together and I am humbled to be a part of such a great group of men.

~Bing Out