Stack Attack

AO: Adventure Park

Weather Low 70’s, clear skies, lower humidity (yes!)

PIA Pincher, LG, Scrum, Manziel, Goliath, Skimmer, ShamWow, Trump, Baron, 6Pack, Drake, Big Mac, Nitro, Yamaha

Five core principles were announced and the disclaimer warning was issued to all in attendance.

Mosey from the pavilion down the hill towards the dog bridge including high knees, but kickers, and karaoke.  We circled up adjacent to the dog bridge for COP


Quad stretches followed by 10 three count strawberry pickers with overhead clap, 25 side straddle hops, upper body stretches followed by 30 Moroccan nightclubs and concluded with 20 salsa dips.


Headed into the echo chamber and assembled for an attack on The Stack.

10 exercises. Complete first exercise then run to the Shell Road white poles and back then complete exercise 1 and exercise 2 then run,  return and complete exercises 1,2 and 3 and run. You get the picture!  Exercises were as follows:

20ssh, 20 overhead claps, 20 squats, 20 LBCs, 20 Lunges, 20 Carolina Drydocks, 20 American Hammers, 40-2 count mountain climbers, 20 merkins, 20 burpees

Barron set a blistering pace for all to aspire for.  Many sweat puddles marked the hockey rink as we finished right on time for COT.


Announcements for Bring on the Ministry’s Bingo night 10/19, LWR Main Street Boo Run 10/26, PAX popup fundraiser with awesome Pincher match, and next month’s Savage Race were made.  Praise report from ShamWow regarding his son Steven’s recovery, prayers for YHC’s 2.0 Madison who has had a high fever.

Bug Mac had to depart midway due to a work issue.  Later learned that two of his employees were badly hurt in a robbery.  Praying for all involved.