Sidewalk Talk

Weather-  who can keep up these days

Pax-  Goob, Drake, Ripken, Lancelot, Bubbles, Bing, ShamWow, Mugsy, Trump, Olympus, Posh, Manziel, Brutus, ChiliPepper, Pincher, and BigMac

QIC- Goob

As the Q mingled with the Pax this fine gloom, there was both confusion as to who was Q’ing and some trepidation as to what the said Q had in store.  At promptly 5:15, Goob called the Pax together, recited the 5 core principles, assessed that their was no FNG, finalized the beatdown, and called for the workout to begin.  The workout began with a 2 lap mozy which included buttkickers, nur, carioca right, carioca left, and toy soldiers.  We circled up to do 10 SSH in cadence, 10 slow strawberry pickers, arm circles OYO (which immediately created groans, chatter to the tune of 3:44, and “I hate it when Goob Q’s and says to warm up shoulders), and finished with 10 Michael Phelps OYO.  With that, we began….

THE THANG-  Today’s beatdown was brought to you by the need for Ragnar training.  The good news?  Goob did not bring his deck of cards and vowed that no suicides on the basketball court would be had.  Instead, we headed for the street.  The Pax were to run the side walk towards SR 70 and stop when the path ended.  The catch?  The Pax were to stop at every other light pole and do 10 hand-release merkins.  Once at the end of the sidewalk, plank or SSH until the 6 was in.  How would we get back?  While some had suggestions (most that I can’t repeat), the only way that made sense to Goob was to stop at every other light on the way back and do 10 burpees.  With about 10 minutes remaining, Goob went back to call an audible- run straight to the parking lot and meet at the bike rack.  From there, everyone did 25 tricep dips, 25 modified pull-ups/pull-throughs, 20 dips, 20 pull-throughs, 15 dips, and finally 15 pull-throughs.  The mumble chatter was boisterous- spirits must have been high.


  • Oct 19th- Bring-on-the-Ministry Bingo Night ($30 to play)
  • Oct 26th- Buddy Walk @ Hunsader- if you use the south entrance, all proceeds go to the Buddy Walk
  • Nov 9th- Care to Tri
  • Donations for F3 Tent- Pincher is matching $25 gifts with gift cards to Pinchers
  • Read the newsletter in your inbox’s


  • Stephen is safely back and resting in Detroit with his family.


  • Posh’s 2.0 for recovery and the loss of their family friend and surrogate grandfather, Gary
  • Chili’s M is having medical issues
  • Lambeau
  • Defib’s decision
  • All the unspoken

Men, it was a honor as always to Q.  Thanks for the beatdown, the fellowship, and the prayer.  Go be a light out there!


Goob out.