Stocking Stuffer Party

Date: 12.08.18 – 7PM to 10PM Weather: 67 degrees QIC: Recall PAX: Bing, ShamWow, Sterling, Rowdy, Ripken, Sparky, Big Mac, Pincher, Olympus, Wilson, Crawfish, Seoul Tide (FNG) 12 PAX, 1 FNG, several Ms and countless 2.0s converged at Casa Di Recall for an evening of fellowship, great food, and charity work.  YHC’s M outdid herself …

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One HIIT Wonders Repeat

Weather: 68 and no humidity. The pax embarked on to the AlphaQuadrant AO with anticipation of another Bing beatdown, little did they know they were in for a surprise.  YHC loved the Ripken beatdown from the day before that it was decided to share it with more pax…so it was time for the One HIIT …

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The First Thanksgiving

In 1619 just outside of Jamestown, the Pilgrims communed with the local natives and committed to celebrate this day of thanks on the same day henceforth.  Shamwow faintly remembered that very day! The beatdown today was to celebrate this day of unity by sharing many 16’s and 19’s with the Pax. During the mozy, the …

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Rottoner to the Core

Weather: 67, mostly cloudy with some humidity We had a dozen pax start off Thanksgiving Week with a beatdown at Adventure Park. Unfortunately, your Q is totally uncreative (which is probably a good quality for a tax lawyer) and couldn’t come up with a Thanksgiving theme for it, but we got on with it anyway. …

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Weather: 48, crisp yet sunny with dew-soaked grass After YHC and Sparky worked through Ripken having voluntold them both that they were replacement Q’ing for him, YHC thought it was sorted out.  Upon setting-up for the Gloom, YHC learned that Mr. Clean was also under the impression that he was Q’ing.  Mr. Clean kindly obliged …

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It’s Monday!!!

Plan and simple, let’s start off the week with a little suffering… Warm Up Long Mozy down to the bridge with a few hits along the way Side Shuffle Butt kickers High knees Strawberry pickers LBCs   The Meat Tabata Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Merkin Suicides Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Knuckle Draggers (deep squats) Suicides Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Mountain Climbers …

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The Amazing Race Beatdown

Weather:  72 degrees and foggy Good turn-out this morning.  No FNG’s.  The pax was fired up to see why this beatdown was called The Amazing Race. Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the parking lot.  Mixed in were butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2.  Then, the pax moved to the …

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