Bearmuda Triangle

Weather: 68 and perfect

A quick disclaimer was shared and the pax were off for a bit of an extended mosey including butt kickers, carioca x2, high knees and nur and wrapped up with picking up the pace to end in COP.  COP included:

  • SSH x40 IC
  • Windmills x10IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10IC
  • Planking (all types)
  • Merkins x10 single count
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC

It was time to grab the flags and head out to the intersection for some public displays of fitness. And public it was.  On the way out the main street, we stopped at every other speed bump for 15 reps of the following:

  • Monkey Humpers
  • LBCs
  • Carolina Dry Docks

This equated to 3 sets of each of the above.

Once at the entrance to the park, it was time to partner up for a Dora 1-2-3.  Keeping the same exercises intact, 100 Monkey Humpers, 200 LBCs and 300 Carolina Dry Docks.  Partner 1 ran a lap around the lake while partner 2 started the exercises until all were completed. The pax did a great job conquering this, including the nasty count of 300 CDDs.

In order to keep the assault on the shoulders going, it was time for a Bearmuda Triangle around the entrance of the park.  Bearcrawl between each point and do 1 Burpee for the first rotation, 2 for the second and 3 for the third rotation.  The pax was very vocal about how much they loved this, and the mumble chatter was at an all time high.  Best was when Big Mac had a nice conversation with a weiner dog as he  bearcrawled one of the segments.

It was time to head back to home base so we grabbed the flags and stopped at every other speedbump to do 15x LBCs and Mountain Climbers along the way.

With only a few minutes left, it was time for a round of Mary that included:

  • LBCs
  • Burpees (and it wasn’t Chili Pepper)
  • Bickle Bounders (pickle pounders)
  • Bickley Bushers (pickle pushers)
  • Flashdance 30-60-90
  • Rope Climbers
  • Myakka Squats

I was honored to cover a Q for our Weasel Shaker, Drake, who is out nursing a hamstring injury.  And I loved the accountability to post after a week long vacation with the family.  No better way to jump back into it than to be on Q.

Moleskin – A recurring theme has come to YHC’s attention in the last few days.  It is being willing to wear the armor of God. As men, we often seek to accomplish tasks on our own and do not look for help.  It is through F3 that we are surrounded by men we can shieldlock with, but also need to be reminded that we need to have daily conversations with Sky Q for help and assistance.  We do not need to take on roles by ourselves, rather we need to lean into our relationship with Sky Q for help.  If you don’t have the relationship you want with Sky Q, or your creator, lock shields with a brother to help you get there.


  1. 12/11 Homeless mission is coming upon us quickly.  Supplies are being gathered and funds are being collected. Look for information regarding a stocking stuffing gathering soon.  Click here to contribute via PayPal
  2. It is time to give-a-way what we have with F3.  Be looking for opportunities to EH a friend or co-worker, or even a complete stranger
  3. Jingle Bell Run on 12/15 (I think)
  4. F3 Moving crew needed to help Lambeau next Saturday.  Stay tuned for details


  • Prayers for Mr. Clean’s Mom and family in this difficult time
  • Prayers for Drake in dealing with his situation
  • Prayers for injured pax
  • Prayers for our first responders
  • Praise for Lambeau and his family on closing on their new home
  • Prayers for Pax looking for employment

It is always an honor to lead this great group of men.

~Bing Out