Hot Laps in the Chilly Gloom

Weather – 61 and a COLD breeze (I know, it sounds ridiculous knowing our brothers in Naperville, Omaha and Minneapolis have snow, but geez it was chilly). A quick disclaimer was shared and we were off to warm up, literally and physically. Mosey included a few laps around what would be a familiar track for …

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“54”. Whaaaat?

Conditions: 70 degrees w the stars out. Beautiful gloomy morning. Mosy Two laps around the lot that included…. Nur(twice),Kerioke, Butt kickers and high knees. Warm up SSH,Wind mills,Huggers,Merkins and BBS’s The Thang The Pax took on 9 exercises doing “54” of each exercise.  In between each exercise were 6 line touches for a total of …

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