No rain delay today

4 brave men made it out of the fart sack for a modified OLD GLORY.

I have to admit that when I showed up at the AO, I was hoping for  a single show again but the PAX held me accountable to show up to lead and bring witness to some good suffering.

Raining sideways we Moseyed to the bridge the suffering had started.

I have to admit at one point the rain felt like needles.

The Thang:

Run to the 1st light 5 merkins, run back to the start

Run to second light 10 LBCs, run back to the start

Run to the 3rd light 15 merkins, run back to the start

Run to the 4th light 20 LBCs, run back to the start

Run to the 5th light 25 merkins, run back to the start

Run to the 6th light 30 LBCs, run back to the start

Run the the 7th light 5 merkik, run back to the start

Run to the 8th light 10 flutter kicks, run back to the start

Run to the 9th light 15 merkins, run back to the start

Run to the 10th light 20 flutter kicks, run back to the start

Finale run to the top of the bridge with gale force rain and winds.

At the top we had to surrender to the conditions and scream over the bridge completed Iron vs Iron

Iron vs Iron; 25 merkins 25 flutter kicks 25 squats 25 LBCs

Moseyed back to the flag for Mary

With 3 minutes left we voted to do 10 counted merkins and 30-60-90s until the clock strikes 6am


Grateful for the PAX today what a great bonding experience that was for us to suffer and still push through the conditions.

I am so proud of Slater, what a difference I had seen in him since my 1st Q this summer. He is getting strong and moving to the front of the pax!!!

I am so proud of Clutch that suffered through being injured that was so sipping tea AO today!!

I am so proud of Diesel so showing up today with the heavy heart of his wife’s health!!


Gator camp chief killed this week

Diesel’s wife health

All Pax members hurting and suffering

A ton of fun today men, sometimes leading is just showing up


over and out