BFF day at the Bridge

5 brave men beat the fart sack this AM for some of mine homegrown fun.

We started with 63? or so SSH I went until I heard some complaining.

10 cherry pickers

30-60-90s until we were done

Off for a mosey to the bridge:

Triple check with  first man running up the bridge and back. Second man did Merkins until the runner came back the Third did LBCs we did 6 rounds of this.

Than came the BFF= BBF this is my version of the F3 Omaha’s BMW= bitching, moaning and whining!!

My version is Belly, Back and Feet we played this game for awhile. When I called belly we doing merkins, back is LBCs and Flutter kicks, Feet are squats and ball dippers.  The fellas really enjoyed this new addition to my playbook, Thanks again F3 Omaha!!!

We than had a fast paced mosey back in single file for a Indian run back to the flag.

We ended with 3 minutes of Mary.

Nice work today fellas, we had a nice crew today.   I am thinking about bringing kettle bells next time to get some weights in? thoughts on this?

Thanks Slater for taking us out with prayer and praise!!!!

Your very humble to lead leader…..
