30-60-90s all day!!!

7 regular hardcore men and 1 FNG showed up for a beat down in the pouring rain.

We started out with a gentle mosey around the parking lot for 2 laps to circle up for some stretching.

20 SSHs only

21 cherry pickers

20 LBCs

30-60-90 until the rain started to dump on us.

So I called a audible: belly, back, feet to that we would get the feeling of being water boarded.

FYI the Pax was totally on board and thought it was a great idea.

The Thang

We played 4 square with 25 LBCs 25 Merkins, 25 moutain climbers and 25 american hammers.

The pax did 3 rounds and then started a new game.

Running a lap 10 merkins than 20 30 40 merkins and 4 laps.

Running a lap 10 jump squats than 20 30 ended with 40 and 4 laps.

Lined up for native american run for 2 more victory laps to finish in the COT for a closing statement of 30-60-90.

Great work today fellas we pushed it hard, I know it was fun playing out in the ran and our gear will dry out sometime next week, so keep on movin!!!

Thanks again for the support and fellowship.

Our FNG today was a referral from the Richmond, VA pax so that gives us 3 Richmond pax members!!!


Flash over and out!!