Starfish Gloom

Weather – Still in the 70’s and partly mosquitoey

YHC always looks forward to leading our southern most AO and surrounding myself with a great group of HIM, and today was a day for just that.  After a hearty fartsacking on Monday, it was time to get after it and redeem oneself.  It was also noted by the pax that YHC didn’t explore the depths of the park in my car as was done upon my last Q at this location, and the pax were somewhat relieved.

Disclaimer was shared and core principles reviewed, and off we went for a mosey including duck walk, toy soldiers, NUR, Carioca, high knees and butt kickers.

COP included:

  • SSH x20IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • What’s the car doing over by our beatdown set up, is that an FNG, an EH opportunity, or someone dumping a dead body, heck, lets go check it out.

The Thang

Having set up a 4 perimeter cones and one central cone, it was time to do a starfish type workout.  Starting in the middle with an exercise and progressing to each cone, always returning to the middle cone before hitting the next cone.  Each series had a different mode of transportation to each cone. The goal is to make it TO the cone, and not just the vicinity.  Each cone station represented 15x each exercise.

  • Squats/Lunge Walk
  • LBCs/NUR
  • Carolina Dry Dock/Lunge Walk (lot wasn’t conducive to bear crawl unfortunately)

Next up was some cardio with soccer balls. 3 rounds of 1-minute toe taps on the soccer balls followed by 3 rounds of planking with hands on soccer balls.  Now the pax know why their 2.0s complain about these drills after soccer practice!

After an extended mosey back to the start, the pax noted their surprise at the lack of miles run at a Bing workout.  You are welcome!


  • Listen to the F3 Podcasts on itunes or soundcloud
  • Lakewood Ranch Turkey Trot – Ask Drake for details
  • Turkey in the hole – Gator Wilderness Camp on Saturday
  • Tri in February
  • Bridge to life run in March
  • Homeless Outreach – Meeting on Wednesday, 6:30p at Pinchers for planning purposes. Click here to make a donation
  • Soon to be announced – Operation Sweet Tooth toy drive – toys to be donated to John’s Hopkins All-Children’s Hospital in honor of Operation Sweet Tooth


  • Diesel’s wifes back surgery and recovery
  • First Responders
  • Hercules friends Wife who fell and needed 18 stitches
  • Bump – fellow Pax in Naperville, IL who has brain tumor

It is always an honor and pleasure leading this group.  And no, no dead bodies were being dumped, it appeared to be a golf outing car swap of some sort.

~Bing Out