“54”. Whaaaat?

Conditions: 70 degrees w the stars out. Beautiful gloomy morning.


Two laps around the lot that included…. Nur(twice),Kerioke, Butt kickers and high knees.

Warm up

SSH,Wind mills,Huggers,Merkins and BBS’s

The Thang

The Pax took on 9 exercises doing “54” of each exercise.  In between each exercise were 6 line touches for a total of 54 line touches!

1. LBCs

2. Mountain Climbers

3. Merkins

4. Moroccan Night Clubs

5. American Hamers

6. Algore/ Reg air squats

7. SSH

8. Bicycles

9. Burpees (10)/44 Overhead Claps

Announcements, Praises,Prayers


Who is going to post Thanksgiving morning or the day after.????

Stockings for Homeless Guys (PayPal.me)

Prayers for elected officials

Prayers for the injured and Fartsackers

Praise for the ability to be healthy enough in body, mind and soul to POST at F3!!!!????