12 Excersises of Christmas (x10)

Temperature 54 degrees

Nine HIM decided to get out of the fartsack and join me for my first Q.  Buy the time we were finished and by the chatter that was heard, most regretted it.  Santa Diesel made a quick appearance before we got started.  We did not have any FNGs today, so I did the five core principles to make this official.

We then proceeded to mosey around the parking lot to include high knees, NUR, and butt kickers. Since the date was December 22nd, I asked that everyone remembered that number.  We accomplished 22 of each:

Strawberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers and Hillbilly Walkers.  Papa Smurf was the first to catch on to what 22 stood for.

The Thang

We moseyed up Mother Hill to the top.  It was my time to present my Christmas presents to the Pax; 12 Excercises of Christmas x10.

120 Merkins

100 Squats

100 Lunges

90 LBCs

80 Side Straddle Hops

70 Shoulder Taps each side

60 Susan Summers,  Papa Smurf prefers calling these Jane Fonda

50 American Hammers each side

40 Windmills

30 Carolina Dry Dock

20 Merkins

10 Mountain Man Shittzers

After each present we each chose a trip down mother hill or grandmother hill or a lap around the plateau.

As we neared the end of our presents I had to call an audible.  Most had at least made it to the Dry Docks, but we only had a few minutes left.  We waited for the six to return from the run, then we did ten Mountain Man Shittzers, with five more thrown in for good cheer.   Times up.  Also the lions had a few presents for us, I lost track after five.


It was an honor to lead this group, who without I would not have started doing this nine months ago.  Thank you for all of the encouragement and pushing to help make me better.

Number-Rama and Name-a-Rama

Announcements – 

2019 One Word Challenge.

Rowdy’s Bootcamp for AMI kids in Wimauma.

Three runs coming up early next year.

Check the newsletter for all of the details.

Prayer requests:

Banjos mother in law.

All pax traveling or recovering from injuries.

All of our first responders.

If I missed any I am sorry, so prayers for all.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Pax.