QSource | Q1.4 Jester

QSource | Q1.4 Jester Weather | 65° F | Humidity 70% | Wind: 7mph NNE 5 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.4: Jester. Q1.4| Jester Statement The Temptation Of The Flesh That Hinders Acceleration Scripture Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) Therefore, since we are surrounded by …

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Mind The Queen

Weather: near perfect. Upper-50s, light breeze, dew point 52F. Pre-Run: YHC had some things to place throughout NBP, so the pre-6 had to be modified early by taking the pre-runners on a bit of a journey. Luckily, Rowdy EH’d an FNG at a baseball game the day before, so the FNG posted for the pre-6 while, ironically, …

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A Rowdy Scrum

Weather:  Cool (55 degrees) with heavy dew Had a solid turn-out of 22 pax for a split Q with Rowdy and Scrum.  No FNGs. Rowdy took the first half of the Q. Pax started with a mosey to the bridge, where we performed lunges for the full length.  Then, pax formed a circle in the …

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Who’s Q? Who Cares?

Weather: perfect. Upper-50s, light breeze, dew point 54F. Welcome: at 0515, pax piled out of their vehicles and circled-up for a quick welcome and gameplan discussion. Rumor had it Lambeau was still sick and that Trump and Dumbo / Rowdy would make an appearance. Only the Lambeau rumor turned-out true. “Who’s Q?” One pax inquired. “Who cares?” …

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1k by 6 + an hour early

Weather: cold and rainy, perfect day to run. Temps in the low-50s with a nice steady breeze from the Northwest. Light rain. Welcome: A little backstory. In unusual fashion, YHC awoke promptly at 0330 and was out the front door by 0345 with a quick stop at the local Wawa for some morning joe. Since …

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The Grand Slam of Beatdowns

Weather: 61 and dark (but for some reason, not as dark as last Monday) After last Monday, it’s rather amazing that 14 pax showed up for today, made even more impressive by the fact that YHC has nowhere near the production skills of Recall – never easy to follow that guy. But they showed up, …

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QSource | Q1.3 Queen

QSource | Q1.3 Queen Weather | 72° F | Humidity 93% | Wind: 6mph E 5 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.3: Queen. A Big congratulations to Kotter and his family on the birth of their first child, Valerie Grace. Q1.3| Queen Statement The …

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Date: March 16, 2019 Time/Location: 7AM / Adventure Park Weather: 70-Degrees F, Humid, Overcast and Drizzling QIC: Recall PAX: ShamWow, Pincher, Scrum, Manziel, Go Daddy (FNG), I-Beam, Drake, Sparky, Dash, Props, Big Mac, McNugget, LG, Papa Smurf, Trump, 8 Ball 17 HIM posted in the Gloom, many of whom saw the Beatdown’s teaser the night …

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Ghost Spark

The Thang: Who knew that Ghost Sparks were among us! A Sparky Q no-show led to half marathons for Defib and YHC. That’s it. Rowdy posted to his car citing some sort of throat disease. Lambeau eventually posted, too, as he was in the parking lot upon YHC’s return. Announcements: 2-year anniversary convergence Mar 30. …

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