QSource | Q1.4 Jester

QSource | Q1.4 Jester

Weather | 65° F | Humidity 70% | Wind: 7mph NNE

5 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.4: Jester.

Q1.4| Jester


The Temptation Of The Flesh That Hinders Acceleration


Hebrews 12:1 (NIV) Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.


  • Are some temptations worse than others?
  • Don’t bad men often do good things, and good men often do bad things?
  • Can a man ultimately conquer his own demons?


Every man has his own personal Jester

  • The Jester is the temptation of the flesh that hinders Acceleration.
  • Whether it be pride, gambling, alcohol abuse, pornography, laziness, anxiety, schadenfreude or (fill in your Jester here), the result is the same for the Amateur.
  • Lacking Preparedness, he is kept out of proper personal alignment by his own personal Jester.

The Jester is a master liar

  • Luckily for us, while the Jester is a devious liar, he is not that creative.
  • Here are the five biggest lies the Jester has told since time began:
    • You Are The Boss Of Me: “You can stop me anytime you want.”
    • You Are What You Do: “It is your stumbling self that is the true you, not the Virtuous self.”
    • You Are (relatively) Not That Bad A Guy: “It is not that bad, at least you don’t do these other worse things!”
    • The Jester And Virtue Can Coexist: “The good things you do outweigh these tiny little bad things.”
    • You Can’t Live, If Living Is Without Me: “You don’t know life without me.”

Preparedness keeps the Jester at bay

  • The Sad Clown approaches the battle with his Jester like an Amateur: Unprepared
  • The HIM approaches his Jester in the same way he does the rest of his Royalty Race—like a Pro.
  • If your relationship with those in Proximity and your Creator are not Right and Accelerating, then you are more vulnerable to your Jester and unexpected circumstances.


  • Every man has his own personal Jester
  • The Jester is a master liar
  • Preparedness keeps the Jester at bay

Homework for 3/30

Thoughts for the week:

  • Is work-life balance a useful concept??
  • Are some relationships more important than others?
  • Is meeting your wife halfway good enough?