1k by 6 + an hour early

Welcome: A little backstory. In unusual fashion, YHC awoke promptly at 0330 and was out the front door by 0345 with a quick stop at the local Wawa for some morning joe. Since pre-runs of varying distances have become the norm in F3, the 0515 start was lost in the noise as YHC fired-off a few “On my way” texts to Defib and Excalibur just make sure they would post. The usual replies from both did not come. YHC quickly thought the worst. Great it’s raining and cold, looks like a solo beatdown this gloom. Eventually, Defib responded that he’d be there at 0500  and YHC was quickly reminded that I was AN HOUR EARLY for the run beatdown scheduled for 0515. So, another Wawa stop quickly followed, where YHC responded to emails and heckled a few folks on FB to kill the time! This is sick and disturbing on a number of levels, but let’s not digress.

At exactly 0515, YHC greeted the pax, Excalibur and Defib. The mumble chatter was thick for just 3 pax given the environmental conditions facing us.

We discussed the two options for pain, 5x1k at 5k-pace with 1/4 mile jog for recovery, or 3×1-mile repeats at 5k-pace with 1/2 mile jog for recovery. These were to be over the bridge for good measure. The mumble chatter reverberated, so we just took a warm-up lap past Caddy’s to collect our thoughts.

The Thang: At this point, we had to make a decision. Collectively, the 1K repeats x 5 at 5k pace was chosen. Start on the south side of the bridge and run to the north side for a distance of just over 1K. Yes, the bridge hill is in the middle. Each pax had to choose whether to maintain 5k pace up the hill or lose ground going up, gaining it back on the way down and still finish strong.

The wind was fairly strong as we headed north. The rain subsided. The suffering commenced. Excalibur was just a speck against the gloom as YHC and Defib did all we could to keep Excalibur in view. The first 1k wasn’t bad, the second was downwind, so not bad. The third one sucked, the fourth was ehh. The fifth was awful and registered at least an “8” on the Lego Pain Assessment Tool, as promised. For good measure, YHC challenged the pax to an additional 1k back across the bridge. After some mumble chatter, they complied, and we crushed our training goals.

All told, 8.28-miles with 6 x 1k at 5k-pace, in the wind, cold and rain. A great morning to win the day. Nice work, gents.

See everyone next week. Same time, same great location.


  1. 2-year F3 Suncoast anniversary Mar 30.
  2. SUP and Run in May.
  3. Porch Light 5k.

Prayers / Praises:

  1. First Responder’s safety.
  2. Pax with injuries.

YHC is thankful for the opportunity to Q at this AO and with these pax.

“To do what others cannot do, be willing to do what others will not do.”
