Rowdy 300

weather-a gorgeous 74degrees with a perfect breeze. couldn’t ask for a better morning! PIA-22 H.I.M QIC-Rowdy 5:15am-greeting, 5 core principals, disclaimer 5:17am-Big Sexy Mozy (Pickle Pounders, Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pointers, 15 (IK)), dynamic stretching (arm circles 10 each direction, 10 Michael Phelps, 10 Agitators, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Strawberry Pickers (IK)) 5:22am-Rowdy 300 (Dora)-pair up, …

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F3 Suncoast No Ka Oi “Imua”

    QIC  : Hang 10 Mozi: lap around the bridges, Okole Kickers, High Knees, Nur, Karaoke, Jump Skips. Warm-Up: SSH, Strawberry pickers, Michael Phelps, arm circles, agitators, and Windmills. Dynamic Stretch: Straight Leg Toe Touch, Lunges, and Frog Leaps. The Thang I decided to bring a little Hawaiian style to this Aloha Friday Beatdown. Playing some of …

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BackBlast from Fridays Live Beatdown at NBP Tower!

So we finally went live again. It was a learning experience as a lot more than 7 showed and I accidently skipped the 5 core principals and disclaimers to split us up into small groups. 3 groups with different routines. 1 group rucked w/ pain stations. 1 group did whatever they did and my group …

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Don’t worry, we’ll be back!

Date: 3/16/2020 Weather: 66 degrees, clear QIC: Manziel Pax: Bing, Dasani, Goob, Manziel, Ripken, ShamWow, Six Pack, Stagecoach, Trump, Zeus Before 0515 rolled around, Bing made the announcement that today’s beatdown would be the last normal one for a while. In short, even though we’re (mostly) young and healthy, lots of people around us aren’t, …

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Let’s have a Picnic!

Weather: 62 degrees, really humid with a 100% chance of excessive security QIC: BRUTUS Happy 42nd Birthday to Sir Wallace! PAX: 30!  Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Chili Pepper, Clutch, Condenser, Coop, Crabcakes, Dasani, Defib, Diesel, Freon, Goob, Hang Ten, Lancelot, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Papa Smurf, Props, Ringo, Ripken, ShamWow, Sir Wallace, Slater, Sniper, Stagecoach, Steel, …

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Weather: 59 degrees, clear sky and a full moon….perfect weather for a Monday morning beatdown QIC: CrabCakes Pax: Zeus, Sniper, Ripken, Shamwow, Manziel, BigMac, Trump, Lancelot, Sir Wallace, Wilson, Chilipepper 0515am rolled around and it was time to get the morning started. The formalities were covered and the 2 lap mosey started.  Mosey included NUR,  …

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Ruck’n Up The Pax and a Soldier’s Creed

Good morning Suncoast and to the F3 Pax that calls it home! Temps: It is 67 degrees and gusty and windy this morning. No humidity in sight today unlike yesterday so the “Heaters” aka “Rucksacks” will prove their value today. A.O.: This morning we are at NBP and the Tower of Terror. I have a …

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Weather: Warm and Humid/Foggy QIC: Bing Pax: Wahlburger, Stagecoach, Ripken, Jimmy Dean, Manziel, Bubbles, Olympus, Big Mac, Goob, ShamWow, Posh, Zeus, Denali, Mugsy, Crab Cakes, Sniper, Gator, Lancelot, Bing 5:15 rolled around with another solid showing of pax in the Nolan parking lot. Core Principles and disclaimer was shared and we were off for a …

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Oh the number of burpees we’ll do

QIC:  Goob Weather: 55 and dark PAX in attendance:  Bubbles, Crabcakes, Goob, JimmyDean, Manziel, Sir Wallace, ShamWow, Trump, and Zeus At exactly 5:15, Goob called the PAX together in the parking lot and recited the 5 core principles, interwoven with the disclaimer (a skill of still being asleep in the gloom).  The mozy commenced and …

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Burp Back Mountain!

Weather: not as cold as it was for the Ruckers because we got our heart rates up quickly QIC: Bing Pax: Steel, Bing, Banjo, Zeus, Dasani, Papa Smurf, Trane, Trump, Brutus With the pax enduring their first split AO, and watching the rucking contingent walk off into the sunrise, the Bootcampers started with a mosey …

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