Rowdy 300

weather-a gorgeous 74degrees with a perfect breeze. couldn’t ask for a better morning!

PIA-22 H.I.M


5:15am-greeting, 5 core principals, disclaimer

5:17am-Big Sexy Mozy (Pickle Pounders, Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pointers, 15 (IK)), dynamic stretching (arm circles 10 each direction, 10 Michael Phelps, 10 Agitators, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Strawberry Pickers (IK))

5:22am-Rowdy 300 (Dora)-pair up, 3 run options presented (jailbreak, round the base of the tower, 1/2mile pier run). Round 1-Decline Merkins (300). Round 2-Bench Dips (300). Round 3-Incline Merkins (300)

6:00am-number o’rama, name o’rama


Announcements-talk to lancelot about Midwest GrowRucks happening soon. We need men to step up into leadership positions! Talk to Mr. Clean or Lancelot about it if you feel led. We need 1st F, 2nd F, Comz, Site Q’s… Rowdy took on Tuesday Site Q for NBP so sign up to Q or he has the honor! Mr. Clean took Fridays, he can lead you to openings if your up for it

Praises: Praise God for such a beautiful morning, for being able to be live and in person to sharpen our iron together, praises for school years ending and the experience of bonding with our children through teaching, praises for their good grades despite our teaching!, praises for Bens good reports from the Dr.

Prayer Requests: Prayers for our nation in the midst of racial tension and distrust of authority figures all during an already tense covid-19 climate. Prayers for swift, fair justice in this case. Prayers for Floyds family. Prayers for the officers, guilty or not, that they may be dealt with fairly and find God and forgiveness in this matter. Prayers for the officers families as they deal with backlash and uncertainty. Prayers for our 1st responders that they may be treated with respect and not targeted because of their career choice, prayers for their continued protection from this virus and violence as they do their jobs valiantly, bravely and virtuously. Prayers for our brothers QuickDraw, Sparky, I Spy and AquaMan for healing, comfort and provision. Prayers for Stephanie as she awaits results from her experimental treatment of terminal cancer, may it be high reward for the high risk. Prayers for Kathy as she had surgery at 7am, may God be the eyes, mind and hands of the surgeons. Prayers for the brave astronauts and crew about to launch this weekend. Prayers for Rowdy and Deannas h.o.a app and financing, prayers for Trump as he works on the financing. Prayers for any sick, injured, traveling or otherwise absent pax and their families. Prayers for all of our families. Anything or anyone I forgot I apologize.

F3Suncoast. Respect. Rowdy Out.