Weather: 59 degrees, clear sky and a full moon….perfect weather for a Monday morning beatdown

QIC: CrabCakes

Pax: Zeus, Sniper, Ripken, Shamwow, Manziel, BigMac, Trump, Lancelot, Sir Wallace, Wilson, Chilipepper

0515am rolled around and it was time to get the morning started. The formalities were covered and the 2 lap mosey started.  Mosey included NUR,  butt kickers and high knees.

COP included the following:

  • SSH x16IC
  • Agitators
  • Michael Phelps
  • Forward and reverse arm circles

The Thang: Deck of Death

A routine done with a deck of playing cards where each suit is an exercise and each card dictates the number of reps you do of that exercise all the way up to an Ace being 14 reps. Exercise complete when all 52 cards have been flipped.  PAX partnered up and completed the exercises together, with each PAX participating on every cardflip.  Continuing the “NO OYO” March.

Diamonds- Merkins

Spades- American Hammers

Hearts- Big Boy Sit Up’s

Clubs- Squats

When the deck was finished, each PAX had completed 104 of each exercise…..some had completed more because their deck had 6 Aces in it.  As a bonus, each time an ACE was flipped the PAX completed the required exercise and took a lap around the parking lot where they were encouraged to learn about the other PAX member.

The PAX concluded the beatdown with an abbreviated set of 11’s.  Burpees and Monkey Humpers.

The beatdown ended promptly at 0600 for COT.


  • GrowRuck – Get registered
  • SUP Run May 30th
  • Gator Wilderness Run
  • Ronald McDonald House


  • Family of Wilson’s small group member, Bob.
  • Sarah and Lori with their cancer treatments

Thank you again to everyone who came out this morning.  It was great to have 12 PAX together to start the week….

Here’s to the next time,
