Don’t worry, we’ll be back!

Date: 3/16/2020

Weather: 66 degrees, clear

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Bing, Dasani, Goob, Manziel, Ripken, ShamWow, Six Pack, Stagecoach, Trump, Zeus

Before 0515 rolled around, Bing made the announcement that today’s beatdown would be the last normal one for a while. In short, even though we’re (mostly) young and healthy, lots of people around us aren’t, and so anything we can do to slow down the spread of the coronavirus is in our best interest. So for the time being, we’ll do virtual Qs. The Q will post a workout the night before, and pax members can do it on their own in their driveway, back yard, wherever (still has to be outside though). We’ll keep an eye on the situation and hopefully back to the normal routine sooner than later.

With that, we YHC got today’s workout underway with the core principles and disclaimers. After that, I noticed that I was the only one with my sack on, and with the workout designed with sacks in mind, asked for those who brought them to put them on and head to the echo chamber. We did a COP featuring strawberry pickers, side straddle hops, imperial walkers, and Moroccan nightclubs (note to self – balancing on one leg while doing these things is a lot harder with the sack).

With the Board of Pain already in isolation, it would be a 3-way beatdown this morning. This time, instead of moving from the end lines, we would start on the side boards so as to allow more distance between us. For the uninitiated: there is an exercise designated for one end line, another for the center line, and another exercise for the opposite end line, with a mode of transportation to get to each spot. Start with a set on the first line, move to the center, do the exercise for the center, move to the other end line, do that exercise, then turn around and hit the center line and the first end line. Here were the sets:

Set 1 (20 reps each):

  • Merkins
  • Monkey humpers
  • Sack lifts (or more merkins if you didn’t have a sack)
  • Transportation: Lunge walk

Set 2 (30 reps each):

  • Carolina Drydocks
  • Salsa Dips
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Transportation: Nur

Set 3 (40 reps each):

  • Calf raises
  • American Hammers
  • Lunges (counting both legs)
  • Transportation: Side shuffle

Set 4 (50 reps each):

  • Overhead claps
  • Freddie Mercury
  • LBCs (sack above your head, if you don’t have a sack, do 100)
  • Transportation: duck walk

Set 5 (30 reps each):

  • Side lunges
  • Shoulder taps (those with a sack counted both sides, those without counted one)
  • Flutter kicks (sack above head, do 60 if you don’t have one)

We were left with only a few minutes and did a Round of Mary with rope climbs and some other exercises that I can’t remember. If you were there, you did them.


  • Grow Ruck on hold, hopefully to be back on sometime in May.  Hopefully we’ll be able to do some sort of event for our 3rd manniversary that weekend. Stay tuned.
  • March 31 event at the Ronald McDonald House is still on. Sign up or donate.
  • Gator Wilderness and Sup & Run coming up, still on at this point.
  • Watch for virtual Qs in the future, do the routine that’s been posted and let us know what you’re up to.
  • Stay in touch through mumble chatter, GroupMe, and the other channels

Prayers & Praise reports

  • Ripken’s and Trane’s Ms – so far, news has been good
  • Police, troops, firefighters, first responders, doctors, nurses and everyone in the health care industry

Stay safe, pax. We’ll be back to our usual stupidity soon.

Manziel out.