Burp Back Mountain!

Weather: not as cold as it was for the Ruckers because we got our heart rates up quickly

QIC: Bing

Pax: Steel, Bing, Banjo, Zeus, Dasani, Papa Smurf, Trane, Trump, Brutus

With the pax enduring their first split AO, and watching the rucking contingent walk off into the sunrise, the Bootcampers started with a mosey including high knees, butt kickers, side shuffle x2 and some toy soldiers.

COP included the following:

  • SSH x20IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • LBCs x15 IC
  • Wheezy Jeffersons x15 IC
  • Pickle Pointers x10 IC
  • Plank series

It was time to head over to the hill on the other side of Cattleman for some Burp Back Mountain. Partner up (of course). Partner 1 runs up the hill backwards 5x while partner 2 starts knocking out the 100 burpees combined. Once complete, all pax continue the run until all partner pairings are complete. Many crude and crass jokes were made, as expected.

Next up was a round of 7s including LBCs and Squats.

After an Indian run plus jail break, we found ourselves at the top of the tower with 4 minutes remaining.

Round of Mary included

  • Merkins
  • More Merkins
  • 30-60-90 (where is Flashdance?)
  • Flutter kicks

The pax pushed hard and covered just shy of 2 miles overall.


  • Sup n Run
  • GrowRuck – Clearwater signing up 6+ guys taking us well over 20 in the Suncoast. Sign up this weekend, AYE!


  • Lori as she is now home. May the pain subside and the lymph nodes be clear
  • Sarah as she continues to recover and starts her chemotherapy soon
  • Trump and arranging financing for his new home
  • I-Spy’s 2.0 Lukas and continued recovery

It always an honor to lead an amazing group of men.

~Bing Out