Public Display of Fitness

Weather: 60’s and clear gloomy skies After a 3.3 mile EC run with Gridlock, YHC was thrilled to see the crowd gathering in the parking lot.  Part of the pre-run included setting up some cones and we were ready to go. Disclaimer was shared and we took off for a mosey around the parking lot, …

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Banjo Bear / Broga Extreme

Weather 56 degrees / 98% humidity   14 PAX showed up bright and early on a Monday morning to begin the week off with a Banjo beatdown.  The PAX were excited to see the F3 blocks in the back of Banjo’s truck.  Unfortunately the Q’s lower back was still tweaked from the previous week’s beatdowns, so …

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Evan, Becky’s, and Crunchy Frogs

Weather: 71 and dare I say it, pleasant We knew it was 5.15 when BigMac tore into the parking lot at his usual breakneck speed. After the core principles and disclaimer, we started on a mozi that included nur, carioca, butt kickers, and toy soldiers. Wilson made it a couple of minutes late, and completed …

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The Great London Beer Flood of 1814

On this day in 1814, Nine souls lost their lives in the Great London Beer Flood.  The accounts of this tragic incident vary, but somewhere from 5 to 9 people drowned, were crushed or otherwise suffered the ultimate sacrifice due to a vat containing more than 1.4M liters of beer collapsing.  It was determined that …

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Tues Bike Q

YHC is writing the backblast due to his “fartsacking” of this morning’s ride. 7 HIM’s, including a FNG (Welcome Sprocket), began the day reading to roll. Jimmie Dean made a guest appearance on his F3 Manniversary before heading to work… The PAX all headed out down the normal route of Lorraine Rd heading towards Fruitville. …

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Sweat Soaked Coupons

A star lit gloom in the Echo Chamber this morning.  Crisp 75 degrees, humidity 100%!!!  As we were not sweaty enough, we had to turn up the heat chilipepper stile. Today Tabata + token surprise.  Warm Up Mozy Butt Kickers Side shuffle High Knees Strawberry Pickers Arm Circles LBC   The Tabata 20 on x 10 …

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