Evan, Becky’s, and Crunchy Frogs

Weather: 71 and dare I say it, pleasant

We knew it was 5.15 when BigMac tore into the parking lot at his usual breakneck speed. After the core principles and disclaimer, we started on a mozi that included nur, carioca, butt kickers, and toy soldiers. Wilson made it a couple of minutes late, and completed his 2-burpee penalty after the end of the mozi. We then circled up for the COP that included SSH, strawberry pickers, windmills, imperial walkers and Freddie Mercuries. It was then off to the basketball courts for the main event.

YHC had spent the past 2 days in Cleveland to attend the memorial for one of his cousins, Evan, who we lost last week at age 24. He was born with heart issues that ultimately ended his time on Earth way too early, but as we found out more over the past couple of days, made the most of his time on this planet, being born in Cleveland, then living in the UK, Canada and then Cleveland again, with all of those places well-represented by friends and family. One of the major ironies that I found out a few months ago was that since moving back to Cleveland last year, he worked at Becky’s, a hole in the wall bar just a block from the law school at Cleveland State. YHC was a loyal customer of the place during his 3 years there, taking advantage of the Thursday night special of Molson Goldens for $1.25 each to sustain him through all those tax classes. We all went over there on Monday night to round out the memorial with a toast and some adult beverages, and I’m happy to say that, except for the fact that you can’t smoke in there anymore, the place hasn’t changed a bit.


The number of reps for our exercises were based on all of that – some exercises required the pax to do three sets of 24 reps each (representing the fact that he lived in 3 countries and was age 24) and some required 5 sets of 25 reps each (which adds up to 125, representing the price of a bottle of Canadian beer back in the day). Sets were separated by running up and down the courts. The exercises were:

  • Carolina drydocks (3×24)
  • Shoulder taps (5×25)
  • Merkins (3×24)
  • Plank Jacks (5×25)
  • Al Gores (3×24)
  • Moroccan nightclubs (5×25)
  • Flutter kicks (3×24)
  • LBCs (5×25)
  • SSHs (3×24)
  • Overhead claps (5×25)

With a few minutes left, we headed back to the parking lot and did a brief Captain Thor (up to 5 big boy sit ups with 20 American Hammers). After that, there was a Round of Mary, which was going just fine (tree climbers and Weezie Jeffersons) until Bing thought it would be fun to expose us to something new, the Crunchy Frog. For those of you who missed it, this might give Richard Simmons a serious challenge for the most ridiculous exercise in F3, so it’s no surprise that Ripken seemed to enjoy it. For those of you wondering where the idea of a Crunchy Frog comes from, watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy6uLfermPU


  • 2nd F at Pincher’s is tonight (since next Wednesday is Halloween) – although if you’re just finding out by reading this, you’re not going to make it on time
  • Care 2 Try on Nov. 3
  • Dec. 11 Christmas with the homeless, being headed up by Ripken

Prayers & Praise Reports:

  • YHC asking for continued prayers for his family
  • Wilson’s neighbors