Banjo Bear / Broga Extreme

Weather 56 degrees / 98% humidity  

14 PAX showed up bright and early on a Monday morning to begin the week off with a Banjo beatdown.  The PAX were excited to see the F3 blocks in the back of Banjo’s truck.  Unfortunately the Q’s lower back was still tweaked from the previous week’s beatdowns, so an audible was called for a more ‘lower back’ friendly/girly workout.

After a quick mosi around the parking lot, the PAX gathered in a circle to warm up.


  • SSH’s
  • Strawberry Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Arm Circles
  • Jimmy Dean’s

The Thang:

The PAX gathered in the Echo chamber and lined up on the side wall to perform the following exercises:

  • Lunge across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 10 – LBCs
  • Lunge back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 10 – LBCs
  • Wall sit for 30 seconds.
  • Bear Crawl across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 10 – Dancing Bears
  • Bear Crawl back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 10 – Dancing Bears
  • Wall sit for 30 seconds.
  • Duckwalk across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 10 – Homer 2 Marges
  • Duckwalk back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 10 – Homer 2 Marges
  • Wall sit for 30 seconds.

The PAX then gathered center court to perform a round of

  • Banjo Bears

Rinse and Repeat

  • Lunge across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 20 – LBCs
  • Lunge back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 20 – LBCs
  • Wall sit for 45 seconds.
  • Bear Crawl across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 20 – Dancing Bears
  • Bear Crawl back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 20 – Dancing Bears
  • Wall sit for 45 seconds.
  • Duckwalk across the court to the opposite wall
  • Perform 20 – Homer 2 Marges
  • Duckwalk back across the court to the starting wall
  • Perform 20 – Homer 2 Marges
  • Wall sit for 45 seconds.

The PAX then gathered center court to perform a round of

  • Banjo Bears

With 15 minutes left the PAX stayed at center court for a round of Broga, which included some form of the following:

  • supine twist
  • thread the needle
  • sphinx pose
  • up dog
  • cat & cow
  • downdog
  • child’s pose
  • downdog
  • runners stance
  • prayer twist

To finish up the beatdown, the PAX performed a round of mary’s

  • boxcutters
  • burpee’s (of course courtesy of Chili)
  • leg lifts (3 count up, 1 down)
  • freddy merc’s


  • Care2Tri race in November
  • Skeet Shooting competition – if you have any items you can donate for door prizes, they are welcome.  Give to Sniper
  • February – Triatholon
  • April – Gator Wilderness 5k, 10k, 15k – Sign up!!


  • Rowdy’s Godmother who lost a cousin and friends in the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting
  • Bings 2.0 (daughter) has a solo this weekend in the Sarasota Opera