On This Rock

Saturday hence past, was a morning teeming of glory, including but not limited by, the vastness of sunlight and lack thereof of temperature.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the amount of water vapor in the air was quite voluminous and oppressive, in a figurative, but not literal, definition as experienced, not simply witnessed.  If you’re not Manziel, …

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The Tower of 3 Ways

Weather: 77 degrees and humid OK, so the title of this sounds like something you might expect to see on Cinemax at 11.30 on a Saturday night, but trust me, this is suitable for reading at work (usual disclaimer: it depends on where you work). At 5.15, the core principles and disclaimers were recited and …

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Magic Number 55

In honor of YHC double nickel birthday I figured there was no better way to celebrate than to have the PAX join in with the celebration…. Ripken enticed a group of the PAX to do 5.5 miles as a pre-run to start the festivities. Started off with the core principles and F3 disclaimer then we …

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No more bunnies jumping on the bed

I’m sure the entire Pax had a full belly from the Easter celebrations from the day before. Maybe even a few submitted to that Easter Bunny candy that defiantly is a temptation for YHC, or some of those pies and/or cakes that were most likely within your reach. Carrot cake anyone?? It was time to …

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Trying is the First Step Toward Failure…

Weather: 64F with dew point in the upper 50s. Not great. Not horrible. Pre-Run: Bing, Ripken and YHC launched at 0420 for a modest 4.5-miler to things rolling. Headed to the postal hill and then did the usual loop. Nothing fancy. Upon return to the parking lot, YHC casually asked, “Who’s Q?” To which a unison reply …

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Carry the CROSS ✝️

Conditions:Windy and warm. 77 degrees and dark. Mozi  Since we had an FNG…. “jail break” up to the top of the tower we went for our Mozi. Warm up Side straddle hops, wind mills,swimmers, arm circles, imperial Walkers and yes…. Bad back stretches The Thang Time for the super Dora. We picked a gloom partner …

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“Someone Who Shall Not Be Named’s” Hillbilly Revenge

Weather: a bit on the chilly side (58F) with dew point in the upper 40s. Basically, a good day for a beatdown. Pre-Run: Defib, and YHC launched at 0415 for a modest 6-miler to start things off. Several pax convened at 0440, but a circle-back was not to be had this gloom. The mumblechatter was thick …

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A Beatdown Unlike Any Other

Weather: 72 and still humid Another Monday. Even worse, tax day. It may have been lucky that YHC couldn’t come up with a good tax-themed beatdown. Maybe next year. No FNGs, so after a brief recital of the core principles and disclaimer, we started with a 2-lap mozi with high knees, buttkickers, carioca x2 and …

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