Friendly Welcome

Mr. Clean asked if anyone wanted to Q so I volunteered.  Thanks brother!

Communicated the disclaimer.


15  Imperial Walkers, IC x 3

15 Side Stratal Hops, IC x 3

15 Salsa Dippers, IC x 3

15 Arm Presses, IC x 3

The Thang:

Since I was flying by the seat of my pants I proposed this simple OYO workout the Ripken  CRUSHED:

Start at one end of the parking lot and do:

7 Hand Release Merkins

Run to the other side of the parking lot and do:

7 Flying Merkins

Rince and repeat for a total of 7 rounds- Ripken and I may have done 8?

We then put on our “thinking caps” and while holding an Al Gore listed:

f3 Suncoast’s 5 Core Principles (in order), Mission and Motto.  The best way to learn in under stress since it most closely approximates reality.  Well done!??

We then mozied out Adventure Park Road for a bit, planked to pick up the six and then ran back to the park with the option to “Drop the Hamner” which BigMac totally demonstrated!

Once at the park we picked up the six by planking and as I posed some f3 Trivia.  This also went very well.

Then thinking that we were running out of time, I moved us to 6 Minutes of Mary

25 Hello Dolly, IC x 3

25 American Hammer, IC x 3

25 Flutter Kicks, IC x 3

25 Little Baby Crunches, IC x 3

i declared our beatdown over when Mr. Clean corrected me by stating that it was only 5:45 and that we have 15 minutes to go so I proposed an Indian Run around the parking lot a few times.

We then moved into the Pavilion where we did:

15 Dips, IC x 3

…Still holding the dip position- I posed this question, “What makes a good Q?”

Starts and ends on time… ha!

Chooses exercises that are good for the PAX and not only the exercises he likes

I’m adding now- picks up the six.

15 Incline Merkins, IC x 3

I then gave the PAX the opportunity to lead:

Mr. Clean – Decline Merkins which I had to modify- that guy is a BEAST!

BigMac- Some core exercise that I need to learn.

Ripken- I forget but it was fun

Sham Wow- 15 Rope Climbers, IC x 3

Recover, recover!