“54”. Whaaaat?

Conditions: 70 degrees w the stars out. Beautiful gloomy morning. Mosy Two laps around the lot that included…. Nur(twice),Kerioke, Butt kickers and high knees. Warm up SSH,Wind mills,Huggers,Merkins and BBS’s The Thang The Pax took on 9 exercises doing “54” of each exercise.  In between each exercise were 6 line touches for a total of …

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Record Pace

Weather was a beautiful 68 degrees With the recent time change it was nice to have some daylight during our ride. The sun was breaking the horizon as we headed off from Wawa with 3 Pax ready to break a sweat and burn some calories. Recently we had some near misses with dead squirrels, tires …

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I love The Way Thunderstruck Roxanne And Sally Up & Down

Weather – crisp 70, Little breazy but humid …. Who am I to complaint … Its 69 degrees 🙂 The pax  started arriving  early  supporting my VQ….. “What a humpling moment” when you see 12 cars coming your way for your VQ ….The all smiles quicly  turned to questions once the pax stepped out of …

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ME, Myself and I

One pax member made it out of the fart sack thanks to his wife.  This was a scary beatdown for sure. I was Qing myself so I decided to run the bridge and take in the sights.  I made it back from Omaha where I went to F3 for the first time in my home …

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Banjo Bear / Broga Extreme

Weather 56 degrees / 98% humidity   14 PAX showed up bright and early on a Monday morning to begin the week off with a Banjo beatdown.  The PAX were excited to see the F3 blocks in the back of Banjo’s truck.  Unfortunately the Q’s lower back was still tweaked from the previous week’s beatdowns, so …

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