Touchdown Dance

Touchdown Dance

Weather | 75° F | Humidity 71% | Wind: 13mph WNW

11 Pax posted for a Sparky and Chili Pepper beatdown. Many Pax were not present because they were participating in the “Boo Run” in Lakewood Ranch.


We took a mosey out past the dog park and over the bridge. This was not your typical mosey, it was an Indian Run Kettlebell mosey. We passed a 25lb kettlebell front to back, and once it arrived at the back the last man had to return the kettlebell to the front. After COP (below) we returned to the pavilion to grab our waters, pick up the 6 and continue on to The Thang.


We circled up just the other side of the bridge for a quick COP

  1. SSH – 20 IC
  2. Merkins – 10 IC
  3. American Hammers – 14 IC

The Thang

Pax lined up along the goal line and had to sprint to the other endzone (50 yards, merciful). To celebrate their touchdown, how else? 7 burpees. One for every point scored. Some attempted 2-pt conversions, or otherwise lost count. After celebrating your touchdown it was time to get back to work and grunt your way down the playbook. 50 reps of 5 exercises each. The flow looked like this: AYG (50yds) > 7 burpees > 50 Reps Exercise 1 > AYG (50 yds) > 7 burpees > 50 Reps Exercise 2

End 1:

Touchdown Celebration – 7 Burpees

  1. 50 – Flutter Kicks
  2. 50 – LBCs
  3. 50 – SSH
  4. 50 – American Hammers
  5. 50 – Freddy Mercuries

End 2:

Touchdown Celebration – 7 Burpees

  1. 50 – Mountain Climbers
  2. 50 – Shoulder Taps
  3. 50 – Air Squats
  4. 50 – Moroccan Night Clubs
  5. 50 – Plank Jacks

All exercises were double count, where applicable.

A special shout out to Drake and Scrum for posting before the Boo Run. Way to warm-up for your race. It was great seeing you guys this morning. Thanks again for posting!


After Sparky got the Pax all warmed up, it was Chili time. Pax lined up and did left right jabs while Chili Pepper walked down the line providing a target. Most Pax aimed for the pads. Chili would yell down and all Pax had to do a burpee, and Chili would yell run and all Pax had to run 100 yds (50 yds down, 50 yds back). After a round of jabs we repeated the same except this time uppercuts. I wouldn’t want to mess with Rebar, he has a nasty uppercut. Wilson thought he was Ryu, and broke out his special move, sound effects and all. Some wiseguy suggested “Super Burpees” before Overtime started. Chili doesn’t need any help bringing the pain. So to wrap up OT, what else? 10 Super Burpees.

Thanks for closing out the beatdown Chili!

Round of Mary

With about 5 minutes remaining we did a round of Mary that included: Leg Lifts, American Hammers, Baby Captain Thors (up to 3 BB Situps), Al Gores, Tree Climbers, Burpees and Carolina Dry Docks.


We finished with a circle of trust, always. Welcome FNG David Demattos – now known as Lambeau.


  • All the Pax running the “Boo Run”. (apparently it helped, as Bing posted a sub 7-minute average. Nice work brother! Way to represent!).
  • Safe travels for Pincher and all other traveling Pax.
  • Keep Manziel’s family (and his football team) in your prayers.
  • Prayers for the crazy political climate we have, and thanks that nobody was injured in the bombs reported at various politicians homes.

Congratulations to all of you. It was truly a privilege to lead all of you in this beatdown. Have a great week and see you next time in the gloom!
