Pushing Through

Weather: 67, low humidity and a slight breeze Since Coop had his VQ (go Coop!!) at Unconditional Surrender, the turnout was unsurprisingly light this morning. Goob and I headed for the bridge at 5:16 and kept a fairly constant dialog going about life lessons and how Sky Q is helping us overcome the obstacles in …

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QSource | Q1.7 Shield Lock

QSource | Q1.7 Shield Lock Weather | 80° F | Humidity 74% | Wind: 14mph SSE 7 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. If anyone feels inclined to lead one these discussions there is a signup sheet on the Q schedule. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.7: Shied Lock. Q1.7| Shield …

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A Beatdown Unlike Any Other

Weather: 72 and still humid Another Monday. Even worse, tax day. It may have been lucky that YHC couldn’t come up with a good tax-themed beatdown. Maybe next year. No FNGs, so after a brief recital of the core principles and disclaimer, we started with a 2-lap mozi with high knees, buttkickers, carioca x2 and …

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Game of Thrones Challenge

Date: March 16, 2019 Time/Location: 7AM / Adventure Park Weather: 80-Degrees F and Perfect QIC: Recall 20 HIM including 1 FNG posted in the Gloom, many of whom saw the Beatdown’s teaser the night before on Mumble Chatter.  Excitement seemed high.  We went through the 5 Core Principles and the Disclaimer as we had a …

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The Tower

The weather…phenomenal! Spirits…high Unfortunate Souls…10 5:15- 5 Core Principals Disclaimer 5:16- Mozy w/ Parking Block Weave, Nur, Butt Kickers n Karaoke Warm up circle w/ SSH (IK), Strawberry Pickers (IK), Imperial Walkers (IK), Arm Circles n Agitators. 5:20- In honor of Big Mac we warmed up with 3 stations of Big Sexy! Station 1- 20 …

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