Pushing Through

Weather: 67, low humidity and a slight breeze

Since Coop had his VQ (go Coop!!) at Unconditional Surrender, the turnout was unsurprisingly light this morning. Goob and I headed for the bridge at 5:16 and kept a fairly constant dialog going about life lessons and how Sky Q is helping us overcome the obstacles in life. As we came up on my usual turning point I let Goob know I wanted to stay on the road and continue on.. we still had several minutes left before the thirty minute half-time. Goob did a quick sprint for the speed camera (which I didn’t know was there) and I saw 12 flicker for a second. We turned around at about 1.9 miles and headed back.

Once we got about halfway over the bridge on the return, Goob again took some time to light up his legs. He ran up to the crosswalk before returning to pick me up. We made it back to the cars at 59 minutes after leaving, having completed 3.76 miles total.

The COT included prayer for YHC that I will gain some much needed control over my eating, and that one of the prospects Goob has for a job might pan out.
