Game of Thrones Challenge

Date: March 16, 2019

Time/Location: 7AM / Adventure Park

Weather: 80-Degrees F and Perfect

QIC: Recall

20 HIM including 1 FNG posted in the Gloom, many of whom saw the Beatdown’s teaser the night before on Mumble Chatter.  Excitement seemed high.  We went through the 5 Core Principles and the Disclaimer as we had a first time guest.  YHC declared himself King of the North for the day, mentioning that the Beatdown’s theme was Game of Thrones (which apparently 10% of the PAX actually watch…lame).  The workout began with a 2-lap Mosey around the parking lot featuring High Knees, But Kickers, Karaoke, and Toy Soldiers.  We headed to the B-Ball court and circled-up.

Circle of Pain (COP)

  • Florida Strawberry Pickers – 10 IC
  • Hamstring Stretches – L&R 2x
  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Shoulder Stretches – L&R 2x
  • Tricep Stretches – L&R 2x
  • Wrist/Forearm Stretches – L&R 2x
  • Imperial Walkers – 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers – 10 IC ~ Hold Plank
  • 1-Armed Planks, Alternating Left & Right ~ Hold Plank
  • Peter Parkers – 10 IC
  • American Hammer – 10 IC

The Thang

The PAX counted off into 3s and were separated into 3 teams: Team 1 = House Stark, Team 2 = House Targaryen, and Team 3 = House Lannister.  YHC advised that we would be playing 3 different games today, each 13-minutes long.  YHC advised that between sets there would be a 2-minute water/rotation break.  Team 1 would start at Game 1, Team 2 at Game 2, Team 3 at Game 3.  Teams would alternate stations in ascending order (e.g. Game 1 to Game 2, Game 2 to Game 3, etc.).  YHC advised that each game provided teams with an opportunity to collect coins for completing exercises.  Coins collected would be counted and scored during rotations.  The team with the most coins collected at the end wins.

Game 1: The Kingslayer

PAX would complete this obstacle course as many times as possible in 13-minutes, individually collecting coins when Stations 2 & 4 were completed.

Game 2: Jorah The Explorer

DORA with a twist and some added reps.  PAX continue working for 13-minutes, collecting coins each time they arrive at the Jorah Sign (50M).

Night’s Watch Training

2-circuit challenge utilizing Coupons.  PAX complete as many circuits as possible for 13-minutes straight, keeping focus on technique.  PAX were free to choose their Coupon, which consisted of whole cinder blocks, half cinder blocks, and brick pavers.

The Results

Altogether, the 3 teams collected 475 coins, which means A LOT of reps and distance were covered by the group.  House Lannister won the team challenge with extremely strong performances at all three stations.  House Stark, which consisted of a lot of serious runners, dominated Jorah the Explorer.  Congrats to all for a great job!

Game of Thrones Challenge

YHC decided that if we’re going to properly pay homage to arguably the greatest TV series of all time, we needed to declare a King of the Iron Throne.  YHC circled-up the PAX and instructed everyone to assume the seated throne position…in other words, hold the Al Gore until you tap out.  The last HIM holding position wins!  The PAX fought hard, most holding the Al Gore for well over 1 minute.  In the end, it was a 2.0 battle between LG and Barron, with LG just edging out his buddy.  LG was presented with an F3 Suncoast Game of Thrones trophy!  Here he is below!  We’re all VERY proud of the effort that all of our 2.0s bring on the regular!

The Moleskin

YHC advised that Game of Thrones’ final season debuts on Sunday night.  Over 15-million Americans will assuredly tune in.  The anticipation of the season’s debut is presently dominating household conversations, as well as the Internet.  YHC advised that tomorrow is also Palm Sunday, and the subsequent week is Easter.  YHC reminded everyone who the real King is, and encouraged everyone to reflect on and tell His story.

Praises & Prayer Requests

  • Praise & Prayers for Rowdy as he continues to pursue his calling of Mission work
  • Prayer Request from Punch List for Jamie who is overcoming surgery to remove a tumor
  • Prayers for our F3 brothers Ripken and Gridlock who are competing in races this weekend

Thanks to everyone who came out this Gloom!  Had a ball putting this one together!
