The Tower Oh Brutal Tower

78degrees Humidity-Very present QIC-Rowdy PIA-21 w/ 2 DR 5:15am-5 core principals, disclaimer Mozy-Big Sexy (Pickle Pointers, Monkey Humpers, Pickle Pounders) COP-Arm Circles, Agitators, Good Mornings (10), Strawberry Pickers (IK) The Thang-11’s (bottom of The Tower 10 Carolina Dry Docks, Jailbreak to top, 1 Merkin, back down for 9 CDD, up for 2 Merkins, on and …

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Ft.Hamer Q1 of Rowdy’s last 3!

5:15am 77degrees humidity- definitely a factor 4 H.I.M QIC-Rowdy Bing n DeepDish went for the long run, 6 miles Lambeau did bridge repeats and parking lot, undisclosed mileage but ran a lot! Rowdy performed “Rowdy” (end of concrete to end of concrete, 10 Burpees, bridge run to overlook for 25 Dips/25 Merkins, finish bridge run …

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QSource | Q2.3 Missionality

QSource | Q2.3 Missionality Weather | 86° F | Humidity 70% | Wind: 9mph SW This week’s assignment was: Q2.3: Missionality. This was the first week we started to review QSource after the beatdown. We have now transitioned into our next book study, Fathering Like the Father before the beatdowns. Due to too much fellowship, …

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Rarely do you get to see a sunrise when you live on the west coast of Florida.  What a beautiful way to start a beatdown at DTSP.  If you haven’t been to this AO, you’re missing out…sunrises, a breeze off the water, lots of people out running on the walkway. Snapshot, Olympus and YHC headed …

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Feel the 70!

Date: June 14, 2019 Weather: A rather humid upper 70’s/low 80’s. QIC: Thor Welcome to YHC’s VQ Backbalst. As YHC anxiously awaited what would transpire on this VQ he had been thinking about for a while, the cars started showing up. The PAX kept showing up even a few (Pincher, Messi, Posh, Olympus) that don’t …

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