Unconditional Heated Beatdown

Wednesday evening, hot, humid, clear skies and sunny. One mile pre run proved to be a good start to sweating heavily for this evening. LL Bean arrives in time for a two man workout this evening and we make it a good one. We double time toward the bridge and choose the park and playground at the bottom. Stretched out and warmed up we begin with the beatdown.

We do some reverse merkins / declined pull ups “Chester Pulleys”, inclined merkins with a wide grip and then close grip. These are done in reps of 10 and we do a few sets of each. We double time to the pier and stop to use a bench for step ups and then double time all the way the to the end of the pier and then back to the bench for for dips. Next we double time back to the park. We will run around the outside and repeat runs to the pier and back to the park again while including LT Dans, Plank Jacks, Thors Hammers, Declined Merkins, Hand Claps, LBCs, Dry Docks, Scorpion Dry Docks, Pistol Squats, V Ups, SSHs, Hnd release Merkins and finish running out all the way back to the statue with 5 minutes to spare. Here we stretch out and cool down to finish the evenings beating.

Announcements, praises and a quick COT finishes out the beating in the Florida Sun. I can’t say enough about the the heat and the intensity it adds to the workout. Come join a Wednesday evening workout and see for yourself. Bring water and a towel because you will need both.

Coop out, Airborne!!