Unconditional Surrender AM 6/13/19

After taking a look at the Q sheet the night before and seeing an empty box I decided to go ahead and grab the Q again for the morning. Once again it was warm and humid in the gloom. We are beginning to come to the realization that this will be the normal feeling for a few months. It was expressed that we are thankful for the lack of red tide smell this summer, at least so far. The 5 Suncoast Pax welcome WD-40 posting downrange from Naperville, Illinois. After the disclaimer and the core principles we headed to the bridge. The original thought was to do some work in the parking garage but with a down range poster we decided to let him see the city from atop the bridge so we moshed toward her stopping at the base for our warm up. the warmup consisted of SSH, Wndmills, Straberry Pickers, & LBC’s all in cadence along with some stretching.

The Thang began with a burpee climb of the bridge. Complete 5 burpees run two light poles. The Pax rinsed and repeated this to the top of the bridge. After a ten count at the top and some mumble chatter from the Camden crowd that I am now a burpee lover, the pax completed 25 decline merkins against the outside rail and 25 dips against the inside rail. We than began our descent, running 4 light poles and completing 10 BB situps, rinsing and repeating to the bottom of the bridge. Since the pax declared my love for burpee’s I decided not to disappoint and we began our way back to the statue with 5 bupree’s and running two light poles, rinsing and repeating till we were in front of the Westin or the corner of 41 and John Ringling Blvd. Noticing a heavier amount of traffic coming around the corner we quickly performed 15 monkey humpers. As we arrived back at the statue we performed two rounds of Mary’s to finish off our morning.

Announcements: It was great to hear from WD-40 and his joy for our beautiful city he was experiencing for the first time. Hope to see you next year.

Prayers: Papa Smurf’s 2.0 and the influences surrounding her. Continued prayers for Mopar and the connection he has made with an old friend.