Ft.Hamer Q1 of Rowdy’s last 3!



humidity- definitely a factor

4 H.I.M


Bing n DeepDish went for the long run, 6 miles

Lambeau did bridge repeats and parking lot, undisclosed mileage but ran a lot!

Rowdy performed “Rowdy” (end of concrete to end of concrete, 10 Burpees, bridge run to overlook for 25 Dips/25 Merkins, finish bridge run around bend to end of concrete, 10 Burpees, repeat) for 2 full repeats, 50 Burpees, 100 Dips, 100 Merkins, 4 miles

COT-4 H.I.M-Bing, DeepDish, Lambeau, Rowdy

Announcements-July 2nd Tuesdays moving from Twin Lakes to NBP!!!, Nov 16th Walk to end Alzheimers, track Hang 10 in his Iron Man!

Prayer Requests-Hang 10 and M for safe travels to n from and domination of  Iron Man Dublin!, all traveling Pax for safe travels, all injured Pax for healing, all 1st Responders and Military with a special shout to Sniper, Zeus n Hercules, for all of us and our families and Rowdy will take all you got!