Balls Out

I have a lot of balls laying around my house, so I decided to incorporate the balls into the workout. A teaser of the balls was posted Friday evening. Bing commented: “Oh Balls”. Yes. Balls. You got that right. I sorted the balls by color and packed up the balls in containers, it was a …

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Breaking Banjo

The morning gloom was dry, however, after a week of rain, thanks to tropical storm Alberto, the air was muggy and filled with a few skeeters.  We had an early arrival of a FNG – Survivor, who has a great story about his name, so when you meet him, make sure you ask about it. …

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The Murph

Weather – 78 and muggy The Pax convened and as the clock struck 7:30, we were off to execute The Murph Challenge.  This is a great way to memorialize those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.  The Pax was told to keep those men and women in our hearts and minds as …

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Designed on the Fly Speed Bump Run

Another great weekday morning with a large amount of F3 brothers up early to push each other. We started off with a MOSY (away from the squawking Owl) around the pond doing some high knees, butt kickers and karaoke’s. We circled up doing some SSH’s, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers and Strawberry Pickers. We headed up the hill …

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Back To The 80s

Weather: 75-degrees and overcast with below average humidity. Love Bugs were in the air (and on our windshields) as 17 HIM pulled into the AO for a morning of pain.  The PAX were welcomed with music from Van Halen, which seemed to lift everyone’s energy levels, pre-beatdown.  YHC (sporting a radical GNR shirt and matching head/wristbands) …

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Dr T and the Sad Clowns

Weather: Low 60’s and relatively clear skies, minimal humidity (for FL). The pax sauntered-in and it was obvious THE CHAIR had a palpable EH on inquisitive minds, beckoning curious hearts as the 0515 approached. Mumble Chatter oscillated between a fixation on how much running was about to be thrown-down and on how the gloom might …

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Great redo of recent weinkes

Weather: 60’s and blue skies! The pax began to roll in and it was extremely obvious that we need to schedule pre-runs as a pax, as about 7 HIM were running in one direction or another.  A pre-run will be on the books next week for sure!   YHC shared the disclaimer and off we …

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