What to the wall?

Weather – 62 and clear

As YHC and Ripken returned from a 3-mile-ish pre-run, it was noted that it’s great to see such a full parking lot in the gloom!

The Pax assembled, listened to the disclaimer and core principles, and off on a mozi we went, in the anti-nascar direction.  Mozi included high knees, butt kickers, carioca x2 and some toy soldiers until we circled up for some Circle of Pain.

COP included:

  • Windmill x10 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x10 IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
  • Merkins x10
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • Protractor

In an effort to mix things up, or relive the past, the pax took a short jog over to the opposite side of the school for the Thang.

The Thang:

  • Captains chair while each Pax bear crawled the length of the 4 posts in front of the school and back. Captains chair gave for a great vantage point of the various forms of bear crawl that have been adopted by the pax, including Yogi Bear style (ShamWow) and then the speedy bear (Ripken).
  • Balls-To-The-Wall for a solid and long 10 Count
  • Ascending Testicles – Modified – x10 single count
  • Balls Around the Wall – BTTW while advancing around the column for 1 full revolution.  As the Pax began to question why so much focus on balls, YHC decided it was time to advance to the 4Square pavilion.
  • Bear Crawl-Merkin countdown – Bear Crawl to opposite end of 2 4Square courts 10 merkins, return to starting point-8 Merkins (count down by 2), complete until count down to 0 merkins.
  • Duck Walk-Squats – same distance, duck walk with a squat countdown from 10 – single decline on the count
  • CrabWalk- LBCs – Shortened distance due to time limitations and shoulder-elbow revolting.  Advance 2/3 the length of the pavilion instead with exercise count down by 2.

After a short mozi back to the school bus lot, there was just enough time for a round of Mary including:

  • LBCs x10 IC
  • American Hammers x15 IC
  • Protractor – again
  • Flutter kicks x10 IC
  • Abercrombie? never remember what Ripken calls this evil thing.

It is always an honor to lead such a great group of HIM. Thank you for following me on such a ridiculous Q.

Bing out.