The Murph

Weather – 78 and muggy

The Pax convened and as the clock struck 7:30, we were off to execute The Murph Challenge.  This is a great way to memorialize those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.  The Pax was told to keep those men and women in our hearts and minds as we pushed ourselves to our limits.

The Murph:

  • 1-Mile Run
  • 100 Pull ups
  • 200 Push ups (merkins)
  • 300 Squats
  • 1-Mile Run
F3 Suncoast Pax
The Pax of F3 Suncoast taking on the Murph

COT included a moment of silence to honor those who paid that ultimate price for our freedom. The Pax were encouraged to share names of those they knew personally who died for our freedom. A truly powerful moment.