Designed on the Fly Speed Bump Run

Another great weekday morning with a large amount of F3 brothers up early to push each other.

We started off with a MOSY (away from the squawking Owl) around the pond doing some high knees, butt kickers and karaoke’s.

We circled up doing some SSH’s, Imperial Walkers, Toy Soldiers and Strawberry Pickers.

We headed up the hill out of the parking lot heading towards the park entrance stopping at each speed bump performing 25 Merkins and 25 Flutter kicks at each speed bump for a total of 150 of each.

While  by the main entrance we were approached by our 2 FNG”s looking where to park.

We headed back down the hill stopping at each speed bump doing 25 Hill Billy Walkers and 25 small circles for a total of 150 each

We headed up the hill for round 2 heading towards the park entrance stopping at each speed bump performing 25 shoulder taps and 25 Freddy Mercury’s at each speed bump for a total of 150 of each.

We headed back down the hill stopping at every other speed bump doing 25 Push Jack and 25 squats.

We circled up and discussed the success and fun we had at the Sup+Run this weekend. Also reminder there is a Test Q tomorrow at Twin Lakes Park off Clark Road in Sarasota to help expand our group into Sarasota County.