Tuesday’s Tower of Terror….minus the tower

8.6.19 QIC: Dasani Temp: 80 Dark and humid 5:15a – YHC covered the 5 core principals and gave the “modify as needed disclaimer”. The entire beat-down I had in mind required use of all 5 flights of tower stairs, which much to our disappointment, was roped off. WOMP WOMP WOMP. We called an audible and …

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Blame it on Ripken…

Friday morning conditions– Many started with the notion that it “wasn’t so bad” outside this morning.  That notion soon faded.  It was hot, humid, and Florida in August. QIC:  Goob Pax:  Brutus, Jimmy Dean, Mr. Clean, Mopar, Clutch, McNuggett, 6 pack, Lancelot, Big Mac, Raider, Puck, Dasani, Ace, Ripken, Deep Dish, and Goob. The five …

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The Wood Memorial

Weather: 75 and humid QIC: Manziel Pax: Barron, Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Crabcakes, Goob, Lancelot, Manziel, McNugget, Mighty Mouse, Mr. Clean, Ripken, ShamWow, Sniper, Thor, Trump Last Friday, Papa Smurf shared some pretty disparaging news about all of us in the 40 & older crowd. Sadly, the backblast for that workout hasn’t been posted yet, …

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SuperFly (renamed: To Wax, Or Not To Wax, That Is The Question)

On a wet, yet awesome morning, YHC set out at 4:40 to go postal with Bing, Goob, Trump & Crabcakes.  Jimmy Dean and Cottontail did 2 miles while casing random neighborhoods. Trump made an early exit…nature calls. Being sufficiently saturated, the Q started the mozy promptly at 5:14:30 noting the punctuality of this workout.  In …

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Ode to Slapshot

Weather: Mosquito filled gloom QIC: ShamWow Pax: ShamWow, Bing, Sniper, Brutus, Bambi, Trump, Manziel, Goob, Deep Dish, Ripken, Lambeau, Bubbles, Crabcakes 5:15 hit and it was time to start another movie themed beatdown by ShamWow.  Disclaimer shared, and after 2x laps around the parking lot with the usual high knees, butt kickers, carioca and nur, …

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Car Shopping Sucks

Weather:  74 degrees, 97% humidity- perfect weather for embracing the suck Location:  NBP (without the tower thanks to Paul Blart) QIC:  Goob Pax:  BigMac, Bing, Brutus, Clutch, ChiliPepper, Coop, Dasani, Defib, Deep Dish, Goob, Hot Pocket, Jimmy Dean, Manziel, McNuggett, Puck, Ripken, Sniper, and Trump The disclaimer was stated and before the mozy even began, …

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You Can Get Anything You Want

Weather: Humid and upper 70’s QIC: ShamWow Pax: Bing, ShamWow, Brutus, Ripken, Sniper, Bubbles, Chili Pepper, Manziel, Goob, Trump, Lambeau The pax assembled in a well lit parking lot of Nolan, eagerly awaiting the 2nd beatdown by the one and only War Daddy, ShamWow.  One never knows what to expect, other than the possibility of …

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