Tuesday’s Tower of Terror….minus the tower

QIC: Dasani

Temp: 80
Dark and humid

5:15a – YHC covered the 5 core principals and gave the “modify as needed disclaimer”.
The entire beat-down I had in mind required use of all 5 flights of tower stairs, which much to our disappointment, was roped off. WOMP WOMP WOMP.

We called an audible and what came next was nothing short of punishing.

Mozi around the parking lot

10x Windmills IC
10x Strawberry pickers IC
20x Michael Phelps OYO

The Thang
10 stations, 10 exercises. 
Taped at the bottom of the tower stairs, and along every other light pole down the length of the park was a piece of paper with an exercise. 25 reps of each and move on.
Start at the bottom of the tower stairs, do your reps, jog to the next “station” do your reps, jog to the next station and so on around the course.  (See below)

Tower: Burpees 25x
Station 1: American Hammers 25x
Station 2: Merkins 25x
Station 3: Sumo Squats 25x
Station 4: Monkey Humpers 25x
Station 5: Big Boy Sit Ups 25x
Station 6: Mountain Clumbers 25x
Station 7: Lunges 25x
Station 8: Plank Jacks 25x
Station 9: Freddy Mercury 25x

This course would take us down the length of the park and back around the tower.
We started with the goal of making it 5 laps around the course…

After 2 solid laps, with 25x reps of each exercise it was clear that YHC was a bit aggressive with the rep count. I do believe at one point someone mumbled “I liked you better when you just showed up”, and I also heard “I’ll only drink Aquafina from now on” somewhere along the line… so I called an audible for laps 3+ and reduced the reps to 15 at each station. The PAX was elated.

And then the rain came.

5:53a to be exact we finished the last 7 minutes strong with a cool refreshing rain.

19 counted off for a rainy Tuesday in the gloom at NBP.
Name-o-rama and then a few announcements

Men’s Retreat in October

Praises and prayer requests:
Prayers for Sparky and his family as they welcome a new 2.0
Prayers of healing for Hot Pocket’s Brother In Law who recently lost a child
Prayers for Papa-Smurf’s daughter as she prepares to welcome a 2.0

Thanks again for posting and letting me lead!