Blame it on Ripken…

Friday morning conditions– Many started with the notion that it “wasn’t so bad” outside this morning.  That notion soon faded.  It was hot, humid, and Florida in August.

QIC:  Goob

Pax:  Brutus, Jimmy Dean, Mr. Clean, Mopar, Clutch, McNuggett, 6 pack, Lancelot, Big Mac, Raider, Puck, Dasani, Ace, Ripken, Deep Dish, and Goob.

The five core principles were discussed, disclaimers were given, and no FNG’s were present so we went for the short mozy.  Despite BigMac’s best efforts to leave upon discovering yours truly was Q today, he was persuaded to stay with promises of the joys to come.  The 16 pax did a short one lap mozy which included high knees, shuffle to the right, shuffle to the left, and butt kickers.  Upon completion of the lap, we circled up and did 10 SSH in cadence, 10 Strawberry Pickers in cadence, and then both Michael Phelps and arm circles OYO for 30 seconds each.  The boring stuff behind us, YHC implored everyone to grab their water bottles and follow him to the base of the tower for the thang.

The Thang:  At the base of the tower, YHC laid out the beatdown to ensue on this fine gloom.  In front of us lie a deck of F3 Workout Cards.  We would draw a card from the top of the pile and perform the prescribed exercise all together.  At the end of the exercise, everyone took the .25 mile lap around the tower and reconvened from the starting point.  All exercises were performed in sets of 25 unless we were fortunate enough to grab 1 of the 4 cards prescribing a set of 100.  Also, jokers (sad clowns) were wild.  This fine gloom, sad clowns were 25 burpees.  This was going to be fun no doubt.

However, the real joy came in the second deck of cards that lie await on top of the tower.  While the majority of the pax performed the exercise together, 1 member had to run to the top of the tower and individually perform a separate exercise drawn from that card pile.  Once they completed their sprint to the top and back, another member would take their turn.  This would repeat itself until the decks were all complete OR time ran out.  As luck would have it, everyone got a turn to better themselves at the top.

The following exercises were performed with 25 reps (unless otherwise noted) as a group at the bottom-

  • Arm Circles (100)
  • Jumping Lunges
  • SSH (100)
  • 1 quarter mile sprint (1 lap around the tower)
  • Tricep Dips (used the steps)
  • Big Boy Situps
  • Hand-Release Merkins
  • Salsa Dips
  • High, Slow Flutter Kicks
  • Johnny Dramas (100)
  • Derkins (used the steps)
  • *10 laps were run in addition to the 1 lap sprint

Exercises at tower’s top:

  • Freddie Mercury
  • Alternating Side Squat
  • Backward Lunge
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Butt Kicks
  • Shoulder Taps
  • Merkins
  • Wide-Arm Merkins
  • American Hammers
  • Low, Slow Salsa Dips
  • Squat Thrust
  • Standing Lunge
  • Oblique Crunch
  • Sad Clown (25 burpees performed by yours truly)

At the top of the tower, YHC noted that some had dug through the cards and picked their favorite rather than let the cards falls as they may.  As such, YHC dug through and took the penalty sad clowns for not being more specific with that instruction.  Credit to Ace and 6-pack for helping out on those.  Also of note, starting the 2nd round at the bottom, Mr. Clean was over hearing everyone’s heavy breathing and ran back to get music.

Also of note, many spat words of LOVE (hatred) torwards Goob and/or vowed to never return for his Q’s.  Ripken said he was “sorry to have invited me to join” the pax nearly a year ago.  With 4 minutes to go, Goob called for a jailbreak to the top and back down to finish everyone off.  So, as I stated up top, “Blame it on Ripken”.


Ace mentioned a non-profit fundraiser for ALS occurring at “The Grove” on mainstreet Lakewood Ranch next Friday, August 9th at 6 pm.  $35 donation at the door.

Tri occruing on Sept 21.

Ft. Hamer run on Aug. 24.


Sniper and Hercules on the road to Nebraska.

All the injured and fartsacking Pax.

Ace doing shark week in the Bahamas with his M.


As always, it was an honor fellas.  Thank you for enduring the beatdown and making 2.5-3 miles of running and a litany of terrible exercises fun.

Goob out.