More fun on wheels

Weather: Dark, Full Moon and well, who cares cause it’s a Tuesday Cycling Gloom and it’s not pouring rain

QIC: Bing

Pax: Bing, Sniper, JuCo, Brutus, Cotton Tail, Ripken

Due to an early board meeting for Sniper, some of the Pax decided to do a pre-ride at 5:15 and then circle back through to get any 6am pax.  The first 14-15 miles were at high speeds including upwards to 25 MPH on our jaunt to Fruitville and back.  Dodging areas of tire shards and some displaced vegetation, it was a fairly smooth ride out and back.

Arriving back at 6, we picked up JuCo (welcome back brother!!) and Brutus (aka Paper Boy, how cool is that,  you have two nicknames) for another ride down to Fruitville, with Sniper turning back at University in order to attend the board meeting (at least it wasn’t a fence to install this time).  The remainder of the ride was a bit more scattered as many returned without heading down University. YHC took University and somewhat considered going down Masters Ave also, but realized that I did have to work today and couldn’t ride all morning, but trust me, the thought crossed my mind.

It’s great to ride with this great group of men.  Each one pushing one another to get stronger, faster and sweatier.  All three was accomplished today.

Looking forward to getting our fearless leader of the cycle back next week hopefully, as Pincher might also get a new nickname of Tim the tool man Taylor with all of the home renovations he’s doing.  If he does not return next week, there might be a detour in the route to a certain security camera, just saying.


  • For Gator – Sounds like he is recovering, and not complaining about any pain
  • For a safe ride
  • Injured or away pax

Until next week,

~Bing out