TT baseline

Bing, Sniper, Cottontail and YHC launched early at 5:15 to do a down and back to pick up a 15 extra miles.  At promptly, 6:00 a.m., Brutus, Manziel and Dogo joined the group for the Tuesday ride.  COT was done up front as has become the norm for the Cycling beatdowns.

The ride started as usual.  20 mph for the first few.  By the time we reached University, Brutus and Manziel had said 3:44 and dropped back on the pace.  At the light, the traffic was heavier so we took the whole center lane.  Bing decided to entertain us, and the cars around, by trying to balance on his bike without unclipping from his pedals.  This ended in an “epic fail” and a butt bruise.  Bing did the sidefall, feet-still-locked-in-the-pedals flop and quickly got up, hurting mainly his pride.  I’m sure the passersby had a nice chuckle at his expense.  We of course didn’t and rushed to his aid out of concern to the loss of his manhood.

Halfway through, YHC hijacked the Q, and announced a TT (time-trial for those not hip to cycle lingo).  At the end of University, each did a one-mile TT from a standing start.  Here’s the numbers (as I remember them from 48 hours ago).

Bing 2:40

Sniper 2:38

Cottontail 2:39

Dogo 2:25

Ripken 2:20

Manziel and Brutus were no where to be found for this event.

We cruised back knowing we left some out there.  But we have a baseline to beat the next time.

Ripken out.